Even if you have encrypted your traffic with a VPN, advanced traffic analysis is a growing threat against your privacy. Therefore, we have developed DAITA – a feature available in our VPN app. Through constant packet sizes, random background traffic and data pattern distortion, we are taking the battle against AI-guided traffic analysis.
This is to be honest a huge barrier for me.
What’s the benefit of port forwarding when using a VPN?
When you torrent you can only connect to peers that have open ports, if your ports are closed. Which means it makes it a lot harder to upload if you rely on private trackers and maintaining a good ratio. One can still download and upload, but for especially older torrents it has a good chance to affect your speeds and ability to download.
This is accurate when using the BT protocol. However if you have uTP (Micro Transport Protocol) enabled, it has “support for NAT traversal using UDP hole punching between two port-restricted peers where a third unrestricted peer acts as a STUN server.”