
Trump announced a new task force led by Attorney General Pam Bondi to combat “anti-Christian bias,” ordering federal agencies to halt alleged discrimination against Christians and prosecute related violence.

Speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast, Trump highlighted pardoned anti-abortion activist Paulette Harlow as an example of faith-based persecution.

His administration is expected to push for public funding of religious schools.

Trump has already advanced conservative social policies, including banning the legal recognition of transgender individuals by the federal government.

    1 month ago

    Sure, let’s pretend that the majority and defacto default religion of the country has had it really rough while exercising their dominance over all our other religions. As a Jew, I totally remember making fun of my Christian friends for celebrating Christmas. Oh right! I got that backwards, it was the Christians who relentlessly bullied me for not being like them. But of course it’s everyone else’s fault and the Christians have been persecuted for……wait, how exactly have they been persecuted? No examples from before the year 1600 are allowed, thanks.

    Let’s just keep in mind who he’s defending:

    Harlow was convictedin August 2023 of federal civil rights offenses for her role in the October 2020 invasion and blockade of the Washington Surgi-Clinic. Along with other anti-abortion activists, Harlow used force and physical obstruction to execute the blockade, according to the Department of Justice. She was sentenced to 24 months in prison Source