That fucking wormy-brained piece of shit.
He got the shit batch of bargain worms from Wish. He can’t even play the Holophoner.
May he be the first to be infected and succumb.
“It’s a bad day for infectious diseases,” said Dr. Ofer Levy
I would argue it’s a great day for infectious diseases, but a bad day for humanity.
Too true. Queue meme:
“CapitalismHorrors persist, but so do I”I will say that they whiffed incredibly badly on this year’s flu prediction.
That happens from time to time; it’s incredibly hard to predict which strains will be prevalent months down the line, and flu mutates so rapidly that what’s circulating now might be a rather different strain from what will be circulating by the time the vaccine is rolling out. It’s frequently a shot in the dark, but shooting in the dark is always going to get more hits than not shooting at all.
Another fun fact, they usually don’t just select a single strain for the yearly vaccine. They often select a handful of strains, and net on one of them being the one.
So a shotgun in the dark.
I have found myself asking this a bit recently… What the fuck, America?
Idk. I did my part. I cannot speak for the others. I can say that I dislike them.
Probably about time to go protest in the streets and get mowed down by a squadron of corporate armed drones.
On the upside that’s sequel to 1984 is going to be lit
… on fire, the book burning can’t be far behind.
They’re already trying. LibGen is flame resistent :)
Protest on the streets.
The majority of us did not vote for this. And we’re trapped. We can’t riot like the French do; we’ll lose our jobs and our healthcare and our houses.
This has been long in the making.
Hmm. A majority of voters voted for this. If you didn’t vote you don’t count.
I get that a third of the population voted against a Trump presidency, and you do have my sympathy, I just think its important to acknowledge the extent of the problem.
Voter suppression is widespread. I didn’t vote. I would have liked to, but I live 3k miles from the nearest polling center and my absentee ballot came a week after the election. I know people who can’t vote because of DUIs (not defending DUIs, but they aren’t a valid reason to silence someone imo). Even among people with the right to vote, if you have to wait three hours in line with no access to food, water, or shade, that can be difficult to impossible depending on your health condition and employment circumstances.
my absentee ballot came a week after the election. I
A plurality of voter supported this.
TIL 49% is a majority?
We can’t riot like the French do; we’ll lose our jobs and our healthcare and our houses.
If we don’t riot, we’re likely to lose our jobs, our healthcare, and our homes.
The French did not have healthcare back when they had their revolution 😉
The French also didn’t live in a surveillance state with the largest power disparity between the top 1 percent and the bottom 99.
They also had 2.3% of a starving population within walking distance of the bankrupt seat of government. They also didn’t have to face automatic weapons and tanks and drones and digital surveillance. The French revolutionaries were on much more even ground than we give them credit for.
Has there been a single instance of violent political upheaval in the 21st century without military support (domestic or foreign)? There are certainly more modern ways to resist, but the romantic notion of Americans barricading city streets with their SUVs and 2nd Ammendment is a fantasy
The vast majority either did vote for this, or couldn’t be bothered to vote against it.
No, there was massive voter suppression. Stop blaming the “majority” when voting is working exactly as the system and politicians intend it to work.
If we had a national day off for voting, then you can shame others.
The reason you don’t have such things is that you haven’t, as a nation, taken it. That is after all, “The American Way.”
For all you lot bang on about your liberty and freedom, you’re a bunch of clueless, hand-wringing, nimbys when it comes down to it.
You have let them take the miles they have by inches. Every gerrymandered district, every disenfranchising rule change, every single lost vote.
Everyone was too scared of losing what they had, that what needed to be done, wasn’t. The best time to stop them was back then, the next best is now.
SLPT: Those who lose everything have nothing to lose.
The circumstances for a bird flu pandemic are already shockingly perfect in the US and they get worse every day.
Bird flu is running free in US farms, with limited attempts to stop it. The chances of it moving in to humans is already very high in fhe US. And the CDC is barely monitoring this anymore, the US has left WHO and now the US is abandoning flu vaccines.
The US is a perfect incubator for a major flu pandemic. It will be random luck as to how deadly a coming flu pandemic will be, but its been given the best chance to develop and spread. This is increasingly scary.
The flu A this year was awful, even with the vaccine, and bird flu is a type of flu A. People are saying that the normal flu test at the doctor will show flu A if you have bird flu, so maybe we’ve already gotten it all over, just no one is testing for this specific bird flu.
Over on the nursing subreddit, some hospitals have been subtyping flu A and as of last week, the people that posted said it was not bird flu positive, it was the other “normal” strain.
I wonder if they “Spanish” flu it all over again by claiming it started elsewhere.
Let’s pray for Trump and all the geriatric scum in congress getting the flu.
They won’t. They will still get the proper shots.
It’s right in line with their all for me none for thee cult.
Hard to get the proper shots if the FDA doesn’t even know what the proper shots should be… Flu mutates rapidly, that’s why we get updated flu vaccines every year.
They’ll just have it figured out privately. They’ve got their fingers in everything now.
Their goal is to get the masses sick and not themselves. All to further their agenda of becoming dictator-kings.
The people who curry favor will get access to medical care the masses won’t.
That’s what they think too. Unfortunately, they are yet unable to buy immortality. You cannot buy something that does not exist. They cannot pay money to buy knowledge from thin air, or manufacture a product with no lead time, no matter how much money they have.
They can however seclude themselves on a private island and live vicariously through a phone screen in a reality of their own. Until wifi drops, at least.
“the event” is exciting. fresh and new. a real challenge. Afterwards… is boring. sucky. nobody wants to be there. so don’t imagine it. they could head to their bunkers right now, if they wanted. but they won’t. they just keep waiting for “the end” that never comes. The game doesn’t stop, the credits don’t roll.
A billion dollars won’t buy you the exit from the rat race. Try again.
You know that they will still get the best quality healthcare, right? In the taxpayer dime no less!
Yeah but at their age there is still a good chance they get wiped out if they get hospitalized by the flu and they are unvaccinated even with good healthcare. And if they survive good chance the flu will advance their dementia to the next stage.
Oh don’t you worry, they’ll still get vaccinated using whatever blend a competent government (EU) decides upon in collaboration with the WHO.
The route from NYC to the nearest pharmacy across the Canadian border about to be a silk road for vaccines.
I wonder, how many countries rely on the recommendations of the FDA to determine which vaccine strains to put in their vaccines for the year. Does Canada?
Just for some background information on how most countries tend to rely on larger, more rigorous regulatory bodies…
I am in the pharma industry (not in vaccines though). Typically the two main regulators that most other countries look to as a reference are either the FDA or the EMA (the EU organization). This usually means that if you can satisfy the requirements of one of these bodies, then it is satisfactory for the other country as well. However, it isn’t universal as each other country will usually have some modifications here and there for whatever reason. The most annoyingly particular ones I have dealt with in the past are China and Japan.
Hey, the NHS in the UK sometimes does things, too!
Looks like the WHO also leads vaccine strategy meetings, according to the ECDC.
So I think the odds that no vaccines are available in the US are low, but I don’t know if the same flu strains are targeted across the pond.
Hope everyone’s ready for another pandemic. After all, an anti-vaxxer with brain worms is in charge of our health.
may every fascist be able to afford a rope.
They have their swatzicars for that.
So next year the elderly and youth won’t be defended against the potential flu strain of the year. What could possibly go wrong.
Aren’t eggs a major component in producing the vaccine? Maybe that’s part of the problem?
Bird flu + reduced egg supply = ??
"Most flu shots and the nasal spray flu vaccine are manufactured using egg-based technology. Because of this, they contain a small amount of egg proteins, such as ovalbumin. However, studies that have examined the use of both the nasal spray vaccine and flu shots in egg-allergic and non-egg-allergic patients indicate that severe allergic reactions in people with egg allergies are unlikely.
Although people who are allergic to eggs should receive flu vaccine, people with some other allergies should not."
"Growing influenza viruses in eggs is the oldest way of making flu vaccines. Scientists inject a live virus into an embryonated egg, let the virus replicate, collect the replicates, purify them, and then kill them. They use those inactivated viruses to make the flu vaccine.
Influenza vaccines are generally made from inactivated flu viruses so that getting a flu shot won’t make a person sick, but the inactivated version can still jump-start the immune system. Flu viruses make antigens—toxins released by a virus—which cause an immune response. Sensing an antigen causes the body to produce antibodies—specific proteins made to fight a specific antigen. If the person later encounters that virus circulating in the wild, the antibodies will recognize the virus’s antigens and attack."
Somehow I think that the price of eggs is only a small contributor in the cost for vaccine manufacturing. Don’t worry, there are still enough eggs.
Probably less of a pricing problem and more of a sourcing problem. Imagine growing a vaccine in eggs from bird flu infected chickens. You want a new pandemic? Because that’s how you get a new pandemic.
Good point.
Seems like that would make things easier by skipping a few steps. If the egg already has the bird flu virus, then you just inactivate it and you’re done. Insert egg anally and you’re protected, easy peasy.
Oooh let’s make this the new horse paste. Imagine all the conservatives basking in their rotten egg farts.
If only we had some other technology to make vaccines…
so less maga voters at a very high price
Nah, they’re cheap. Let the die, it’s what they wanted, it’s what they’ve voted for, I won’t shed a tear from their suffering
There won’t be a next season, the show is cancelled.