Norwegian fuel company Haltbakk Bunkers has announced it will cease supplying fuel to U.S. military forces in Norway and American ships docking in Norwegian ports, citing dissatisfaction with recent U.S. policy towards Ukraine.
Norwegian fuel company Haltbakk Bunkers has announced it will cease supplying fuel to U.S. military forces in Norway and American ships docking in Norwegian ports, citing dissatisfaction with recent U.S. policy towards Ukraine.
When Republican Senators profits or jobs become at risk, because of what Trump’s doing, then you’ll see some wrangling done.
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Genuine question: why is this comment licensed under creative commons?
In this way the ai bros won’t use that comment for training LLMs. Because they care about copyright and they would never, for example, download a torrent with 81 terabytes of pirated ebooks
Its also to let non-profit open-source projects training their LLMs that they can use my posts/comments.
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Be hilarious if it catches on and all the LLM bots start eroneously claiming to be CC licensed.
It’s that boomer Facebook “I don’t consent to use using data” meme in it’s newest form.
He’s the equivalent of one of those Facebook people that thinks “if you put this at the end of your posts they can’t steal your comments”. It’s nonsense and doesn’t change anything. Just ignore it and keep scrolling.
At least this weirdo isn’t a transphobic bigot like that dragon asshole.
That’s quite the axe you’ve got there, mr. ayyy. You been grinding it on any dragons lately? Just, bringing it up on random comments about internet behavior?
Yes, I hate transphobes.
Wow, never heard this one before too. I wish whomever is directing the bot brigade could maybe update their negative comments algo to freshen them up a bit with new insults.
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“everyone who calls out my behavior is a bot” 🤣
No, but when it repeats approximately every 72 hours, you got to start wondering.
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I miss the old web, where if someone wanted to RP as a alien or a cat or something in all their forum posts, we just kind of rolled with it. The internet was strange and diverse.
So many people are dog piling this guy because, in essence, he isn’t conforming. He’s including a little forum signature on his lemmy posts in 2025.
I agree, but not in a “this guy is an idiot” kind of way, but in a “do whatever you want and keep the internet diverse and strange” kind of way. Let the guy have his small protest. Folks need to stop dog piling him. It shows up in many of the threads he’s in, and judgments about his little signature dominate over anything he actually had to say.
In complete accord with this comment. We’ve stared into the abyss so long, we’ve become the abyss.
If I could get the Abyss to stop slapping me around on a bi-daily basis, I’d appreciate that. I’d really just like to talk about the posts.
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We can’t control others. We can try to manage ourselves. When we see how difficult that actually is, sometimes, we realize what a fool’s errand controlling anyone else is.
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We is inclusive, my friend. Won’t you join me in a more manageable exercise?
Yep, yep. Like right here for example. And this was going on 9-10 months ago too, its a bi-daily thing.
A single line of text that is a link to a Creative Commons license really shouldn’t be pissing off so many people.
I mean, do people also get pissed off when they scroll down the bottom of each and every Wikipedia page, and see the CC license there? Or read an news article that has a license footer at the end of the article?
To be tinfoil hatty about it for a moment, I really do believe at this point that I’m being attacked repeatidly (every 48ish hours) by a bot brigade used by someone(s) who really doesn’t want others to start doing what I’m doing, licensing their content, by harassing me off of Lemmy.
My licensing is not just to tell for-profit entities that they can’t use my content for free, its to tell non-profit open-source projects that they can use my content for free.
Yeouch. I thank you for the support, but damn that hurts too.
For the record, I truly believe that the Safe Harbor laws, and that Laws trump ToS, means that I truly own the content that is being posted here (and so do you and everybody else who posts/comments, for that matter). Even if its not being inforced today, the laws are on the books, and this will come to a head a some point.
I mean, look at whats going on right now with Mozilla/Firefox and their ToS changes. Corporations sure are not shy to use licensing of their content to the best of their abilities.
Why should only corporations avail themselves and be protected by the law? Why is everybody else so quick to surrender the little protections under the law that they have, and to ridicule others who try to use the law to their benefit?
Take a moment, and really think that one though. Its like there’s a Corporate version of Order 66 going on or something. 😜
By the way, while I started to reply to you directly, the above is really a response to everyone who would be intellectually honest in judging my actions and take a moment to think it though before replying to me.
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I think that you should keep posting with your signature if it makes you happy. I have some sincere doubts it will force a corporation to exclude your content from any aggregated data, though, nor do I think anyone is giving up their rights by not properly licensing their comments here. Copyright is automatic in the USA. The problem isn’t the licensing, its the fact that no court is properly enforcing these rights. And, too few governments have data privacy laws on the books.
I’m not interested in relitigating those points though, I’m sure you’ve heard them. I guess I’m just typing that up so you know where I’m coming from.
I do think your signature is valuable when it makes people consider who owns their data, and why the CC license is important.
Personally I think you should put an explanation in your bio. I think your message will be served better if you can point to a pre-written explanation (or even an old style FAQ). But, I don’t think you’re obligated to do so. Its all gravy. People are going to fight you regardless.
Did you see that post from that guy mad about a period character on slashdot? Lmao
Actually I have the CC license info/link in my bio as well.
If people ask me with honest intent I would be responding in kind and explain it, gladly. But that is not been my experience here on Lemmy.
So I don’t know why I should put myself through that kind of trolling from others, again, again, and again, under the guise of trying to educate someone on what a CC license is, who most likely already knows, or by a bot starting a brigade cycle.
I know that’s a cynical view, and I hate stating what I just did, but I feel that I truly earned the right to that cynical opinion, as that’s what the vast majority of my experiences have been here on the Lemmy, both ten months ago, as well as currently.
The irony is that if someone just clicks on the link in my footer it’ll take them to a page of the license that also explains what the Creative Commons license is, so they really don’t need me to explain it, they could just click on the link I’ve already supplied.
I do appreciate your kind words and civil discussion, and suggestions, thank you for that, sincerely.
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When you wear a tinfoil hat out in public, the people snickering aren’t trying to tap into your brainwaves. Well, I mean shit, maybe they are. Depends on the drip.
I remember decades ago, this one guy on Slashdot would end all his comments with a period on a line by itself like he was using SMTP. It was dumb then and it’s dumb now.
Hm, interesting. So this guy was posting all weird on slashdot, and you remember decades later? And you carried that with you, and it inspired you to type this comment. That’s a lot of commitment on your part for a stray period.
That’s pretty funny. Thank you for sharing.
Does your hate for personality and individuality extend to any other harmless quirks you’d like us all to know about?
It does nothing, but some people think it messes with AI and keep doing it.
Hasn’t it been abundantly clear that no group training an AI cares about the sourcing at all?
Pretty much.
Doesn’t mean that they can’t be held responsible for it later.
And are you really supposed to just give up the protections/abilities that you have under the law just because enforcement has been lax?
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You’ll have to search my posting history for an answer to that question.
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Repetitiveness is not good reading. You’ll have to scroll down a bit to read my side.
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Instead of being a dick in response to a simple question, maybe have a quick link saved that you can paste for those responses if you get it fairly often. Many lemmy apps will let you save message drafts to repost. Several Android keyboards (including Gboard) will let you save messages that you can paste in anywhere as well. Or, since you;re probably using something to add that signature to every post anyway. Add another link explaining. Because right now you just look like an asshole in the responses given how easy it is to do that.
Being a dick in response to an honest question will just result in a negative reaction towards all of your posts in general, regardless of your intent. Many people utilize tagging systems to mark specific users they’ve interacted with previously so they don’t bother interacting directly with certain accounts like trolls again since that’s always a waste of time. If your intent is to drive interaction away, then you’re being successful, but it begs the question why you’re bothering to post at all.
It doesnt seem they care about people knowing what the license stuff is about or spreading awareness about it. Its edgy thats what matters
Hit the ‘Refresh’ button on your browser.
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Wow, yet another sarcastic and again unhelpful response with an air of perceived superiority. How surprising. Your consistency is commendable.
Seriously, feel free to block me. Otherwise, why are you wasting your time, and getting upset?
And yeah I know big guy/gal, you’re not getting ““upset””. But still, why bother?
Just hit that block buttom. Its there, calling to you.
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I’d rather just block your miserable ass. 🤷♂️ 🤷♂️
You’d think, right?
Seems though like I keep having people who rather tear into me over and over again instead, for my licensing my content by including a footer in my comments, than just blocking me, for some strange reason.
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Heyyy Cosmy
they were pretty niceeee… anyway -
I use Snippety on iOS/macOS but “Text Replacements” is built in to both, in Settings - FREE auto expansion of, say a short keyword like…
could expand to
Someone will have an Android/PC recommendation, maybe something from F-Droid.
PS: would DEF say no to suggestion of two links in every post - one link in every post is already surprisingly noisy on mobile, but I’m sure that’ll be granularly toggleable one day
Being called a dick more than once (especially when I don’t think I am), is not what I would consider being “pretty nice”. …
The issue is I’m getting brigaded on an every 48ish hour basis, and it always starts with an ‘innocent’ inquiry comment, and then turns into attacks, and then with large downvotes. Not sure how much of that ANYONE should have to put up with that, and still have to be 100% polite in response to that.
In the future, I’ll give them the link to that large post that discusses the issue.
I really wasn’t being a dick, not at all (and I’m a polite person in real life by personality). Please consider that maybe others are being intellectually dishonest on purpose, reading more into what I’ve been saying, to apply an attitude to it, so to be able to criticize more harshly. Persons with an agenda (a really “WTF is wrong with people?” weird one, but still).
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have like nine other comments from the brigade to read/respond to.
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But linking to a post that you are referencing is certainly helpful. (^=
It answers the question being asked, without someone having to go through my posting history.
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Its easier to block you.
Yes, please do.
I’ll enjoy Lemmy moreso, not having to respond to comments like this.
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What if Elon has already bought them all? It doesn’t take much for a jizzilionaire like him
His wealth is mostly imaginary. If he actually moved to solidify any significant portion of it, it would all collapse as its tied up in very few companies.
When he was at a listed value of 200 billion he had to get 20-30 other groups and governments together for the whole twitter takeover. Which should have been easy for him at the time based on his net worth alone.
It doesnt really matter if he can get 200 billion in cash right this instant. His theoretical net worth is enough to get him the influence and power that comes with that kind of money.
I am absolutely not saying that he can’t get enough money up to fuck everything up.
But most of his wealth is Tesla stock. Recall that when he sold only $10 billion of it, the price tanked.
He is only worth $200+ billion if you don’t look at it hard.
If we’re going to “what if” why stop there? Why don’t we have Elon kidnapping them and implanting mind control devices in each of their heads. A person with those kind of resources and technology could do such a thing. /s
If I was to take your point seriously, I would suggest the courts would have something to say about that, from lawsuits filed by civilians.
The hyperbole really has to stop. You don’t go from a 0% authoritarianism to 100% in one day/step. Its a process, and we are not there yet (though I do definitely agree we’re starting to lean in that direction).
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lol that URL is great
That’s some good detective work!
You’re mocking me for liking your joke? Confusing