You have a right to resist unlawful kidnappings of yourself or another under self defence laws. Yes I know we’re not enforcing the laws as written right now, but it still matters. Self defense action is warranted and just. Group defence has prorected Americans from ICE before, for example barricading agents out of a suspects house. Be prepared, and when the moment calls for action, act swiftly.
Just be aware that you’re putting your life on the line, because they will kill you.
You dont go alone and you don’t go empty handed. There’s centuries of resistance tactics and skills that are applicable if you’re looking for them.
I mean, if immigrants are being sent to an El Salvadorian prison, that’s pretty much a death sentence anyway…
Never go to a second location.
You need to roll with a large group to have that effect. And even then the police might just drop a bomb on you.
Rights are only what the politicians’ check writers say they are no matter who is in office
Terry Stops have been a thing for decades and allows police to stop and frisk people, vehicles, ecectera without probable cause
I have been wondering at what point “immigrants” became “migrants” and why. In my mind, the former sounds like “they came from outside the border” and the latter sounds like “they’re always on the move”. I somehow missed the memo on this but I’ve been noticing it for probably over a year.
I haven’t noticed until you just now pointed it out. It feels so insidious.
I agree. It sounds a little more dehumanizing to me
This is apaling. ICE is not even following the law anymore. Shame on them!
They’re MAGA Gestapo, it should be in the countries interest in national security to shoot them on sight (but alas, shooting Nazis is illegal now.)
Have they ever? Now they are just doing it openly.
I remeber in 2020 during the BLM riots there were plain cloths ice agents kidnapping protesters into unmarked vehicles.
ICE was used as secret police openly during the last Trump term.
Were those ICE? I thought it was Bureau of Prisons people that he brought in.
They were any federal agent that volunteered. So anyone with a badge in federal employment.
Yeah I don’t recall it being 100% clear on who they were due to know identification. Mean wasn’t it like some federal forest service (okay according to Google was department of interior) doing the gassing for the photo bible bit?
Of course this is what his supporters want, I just hope the rest of the US decides this isn’t who they want to be. But I’m not holding my breath anymore , a giant douche filled with a turd sandwich should get more votes than that sepsis on society.
That’s the thing they formed an “interagency taskforce” so it was Forest Service, BLM, Corrections, FBI, Federal Police, ICE, DHS, etc etc etc. You couldn’t point to any one agency, which was part of the problem. The other problem is it was an obvious end run around Posse Comitatus. He couldn’t get the military to deploy illegally so he made his own little army.