There was an issue on Reddit a while back where people would post some hateful stuff, and of course lots of people blocked them.

After a while, anti-trans, racist, and far-right-wing stuff were only seen by non-logged in users, other bigots, or new people, and they weren’t getting the downvotes they deserved.

Is this going to be a problem on Lemmy too? I’m worried that if we’re all blocking shitty users that we’re just hiding the problem from ourselves, not fixing it.

    11 months ago

    The vast majority of users I block don’t break the rules. It’s usually that I see a low-effort comment so I open their profile and if their post history indicates they’re providing nothing of a value here I block them to improve the noise to signal ratio on my feed. It’s not about wether I agree with them or not but are they making any sense.