Fingers crossed for Owen Wilson to be Link
This made me laugh out loud.
“Gee, it sure is BORING around here!”
My boy, this peace is what all true warriors strive for.
Your Majesty, the kingdom is under attack!
Chris Pratt as Gannondorf, Tom Holland as Link, and Danny DeVito as Navi. It’ll be alright.
Jack Black as Ganon singing about his love for Zelda
Chris Pratt as fired. I do like Tom Holland as link though.
Danny DeVito has to be pig Ganon.
Danny DeVito as Link.
(I’ll show myself out.)
If link says even a word the whole thing will be ruined
Link talks. The fan theory that he’s mute is unsupportable. Too many instances of him conveying complex information to people he just met (and who wouldn’t know his gesture language). You can try to explain it away, but it will quickly get more complicated than assuming he talks.
Hear me out people: Orlando Bloom as Link so they can do a funny and say “Link, what do your elf eyes see!?”