Make sure it’s not too general, please!

I love seeing movies where an apartment/house previously seen as inhabited turns out to look completely different without the implication of someone freshly moving out or be completely abadonned for too long to had looked like this at the time of previous insepction.

Movie I know of where it has happened

They Cloned Tyrone had this happen and I loved it so much.

I think I remember seeing this trope at least twice in some horror movies, but I don’t remember their titles. It always gets my attention.

    1 year ago

    I especially enjoyed the subversion of the tired, old “compromising position” trope in the film State and Main (a very funny movie that I highly recommend, BTW)

    An actress was trying to seduce a writer (who was in a relationship) while the two of them were in a room alone. The writer’s girlfriend suddenly walked in. I sighed. I was ready for the tiresome argument, tears, the “it wasn’t what it looked like” explanation, and eventual reconciliation that we’ve all seen a million times. A boring, overused plot device.

    Instead, the writer’s girlfriend recognized the situation immediately. She knew what her boyfriend was like (shy and naive) and knew the actress had a reputation for aggressively pursuing casual flings. Instead of reacting like sitcoms would have you believe, she behaved like an adult with a brain. The writer was even surprised that she wasn’t more upset. The whole thing was pretty funny, and the story went on.


    OP, you remind me of something I noticed watching the Dahmer miniseries on Netflix. It’s not mentioned directly, but you do see his apartment get messier over time. It’s like he just gives up all but the most basic cleaning, and lets the mess get worse. At one point, he gets some fish, but eventually the tank is just filled with a gross sludge. What happened to the fish is never explained.