Cyrus Draegur

Atomic energy enthusiast. Architecture enjoyer. Mecha appreciator. Sci-Fi reader. Friendly neighborhood shameless degenerate. Winged caniform synthetic biped techno-lich. Mostly Harmless™. Poly-Panro-Demi It/They/He

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • A BOX OF HAIR WITH A STICKER OF A CARTOON BLUE DONKEY ON IT COULD EFFECTIVELY REPLACE HIMlook… We’re really not asking for much. The bar is subterranean. It’s clear that the Democrat party is dead set on playing limbo in hell. But I admit… It’s nice to dream. I hated buttigieg in 2020. In fact I couldn’t fucking stand any of the vaguely beige cardboard standees that made up the lion share of all democrat candidates that year, but the truth is that just about any of them would be acceptable now just to ensure that we’re one step closer to extinguishing the GOP because frankly THE ONLY WAY WE’LL GET A GOOD PARTY IS IF THE MOST EVIL ONE DIES AND THE REMAINING ONE SPLITS. Like when our forefathers curb stomped the federalists into oblivion - whom were ALSO nationalistic conservatives and absolutely deserved their resting place in history’s rubbish bin. For fucks sake, the Democrats desperately don’t WANT the Republican party to die and that’s all the more reason to KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT. So just vote for literally anyone other than the GOP to make the Democrats suffer and then their party will disintegrate into two subfactions and we can focus on purging the tradcon SCUM from them, too.

  • Oh wow I wasn’t even referring to villager agency but I kinda agree with you - ESPECIALLY on the grounds of what you described in terms of pathing for them, what I feel I’d call “parbaked pathing”.

    My idea with using pathfinding algorithms as the root of village generation was to prevent ridiculously awful disasters of architecture in the first place by ensuring that villages would only tend to generate where a village would hypothetically have all the things it needs:

    a. Open, stable, solid, reasonably flat-ish ground

    b. Hypothetical easy connectivity to (imaginary speculative) “resources” in the world (that are in actuality arbitrary points of interest that tried to pathfind to each other and whose paths inevitably converged at a.)

    c. Potential access to other villages for travel.

    If villagers DID have agency to actively build instead of magically-already-have-been-built-now-they’re-stuck-with-a-lava-pool-burning-all-the-wooden-houses, what would be cool about that PLUS never developing a village on top of a lava pool would be the potential for villagers to build actual roads between villages when the POI-linking pathfinding in the background happens to touch two villages concurrently…
    (like lightning, shooting out tracers to establish a current but then committing once a viable route is found)

    This should not be something happening in the foreground though so as not to harm chunk loading performance. Maybe only actionable when a player trades with villagers and somehow tells them “yeah, I’d like you to proceed with that”.

    We already have sculk that spreads - and arbitrarily, chaotically so! - in response to player interaction, after all. This proposal would violate precedent LESS than that.

  • Well, I’d like to point out that this isn’t manipulating the terrain so much as taking the terrain as it is and predicating the generation of villages on the extant properties of the terrain. And while the POI generation system in minecraft does not guarantee something is always there, it would be fine if the ‘attempt’ to generate a POI there was enough for a corresponding ‘attempt’ to pathfind to it. Dead end paths manifest in real life too sometimes.

    Also, it’s perfectly feasible to limit recursion in tiers, somewhat the way that the Distant Horizons mod does: It performs a limited query of minecraft’s terrain generation code that only roughs out surface-level details speculatively. They are not fully realized. Precalculating speculative paths between potential POI-sites in the far distance as a background operation before you get close enough to generate those chunks “for real” would be a function of what process cycles you have to spare rather than being a prerequisite before rendering the next frame.

  • Cyrus
    OPtoMinecraft@lemmy.worldLet's Fix Villages At Their Source
    16 days ago

    in minecraft, ‘factional regions’ could be defined by drawing voronoi diagrams whose seeds/sites/generators are the woodland mansions… implying that the ruling classes of the villagers are the illagers and that their standing army of enforcers are the pillagers at the outposts…! With just the barest hint of structure, an entire narrative can emerge almost effortlessly. If the world were filled with stone walls delimiting these regions, suddenly there is a sense of political tension and territoriality. Just as roads convey a “sense” of connection, walls can convey a sense of conflict. With these in place, the world would feel much more lively and interlinked!

  • If you felt so inclined, this village was in Seed -592881470 at x+784 z+80

    i mean … as i type this i feel a little silly thinking someone would spin up a copy of this world just to go to that specific village and graciously unfuck its shit, but … i can’t help but put myself in your position given what you’ve said and feel the urge to represent at least one version of their universe where their town isn’t a total disaster 😅

  • All it did was update the professions, make some layout variants that remained entirely blind to terrain circumstances, and eventually add the pillager outposts (village and pillage) but…

    Heck, if you think about it, we have three strata of a society right in front of us, and it’s even anarchism-coded!

    • Peasants living their happy little egalitarian lives in villages,

    • Hostile constabulary tromping through with their jack boots wielding the state’s monopoly on violence to exploit the villagers’ labor (Pillagers from outposts)

    • Nobility debaucherously luxuriating at their isolated estates detached from all the worldly drudgery (Illagers in Woodland Mansions).

    Connecting them with roads and implying that pillagers only raid because they consider Steves and Alexes to be dangerous foreign outlaws would even make sense. Of course they would want to punish the village that was collaborating with that “dangerous outsider” who killed one of their lieutenants!

    I for one think that pillagers and illagers should be hostile toward spiders, zombies, and skeletons, but that once roadways are generated in a world they should be patrolling them.

    Adding nuance to this such that maybe pillagers might only retain the name for the sake of the pun and would otherwise be dangerous but ‘neutral’… would suit the world terribly well.