It isnt fake, but a lot of the plastic in the blue box never gets recycled. And many plastics are mixed which makes them difficult to recycle. Many can also only be recycled once or twice and still be usefull.
It isnt fake, but a lot of the plastic in the blue box never gets recycled. And many plastics are mixed which makes them difficult to recycle. Many can also only be recycled once or twice and still be usefull.
Have you seen those warriors from Hammerfell? They’ve got curved swords.
What bothers me is some of my friends heard about plastic recycling being fake and immediately assume all recycling is fake. So now they don’t even try to recycle normal cardboards, papers, and metals because “recycling is a myth”.
People can be against EVs and still be for the environment. EVs still need massive amounts of parking and lanes, our zoning laws often mean we keep destroying natural land to pave these spaces. The EV will also prolong the suburban experiment which is massively worse for the environment compared to desner housing options. Some people view EVs as delaying some of the more pressing issuses related to tranportation and city development in our urban areas.
Personally I think EVs are better than ICE but i dont think just swapping them out is doing enough for the environment or to reduce our overall energy demands.
Mixed use zoning and a multiuse building? This defintely isnt a north american city. America is “too big” to build like this.
A tram could go faster and have signal prioirty at intersectuons. Buses are the lowest tier and lowest quality of transit.
If you can drive to work in 15 minutes. Properly funded and prioritized transit can get you there in 10. Hourly bus service is not good transit.
You can buy an EV and have a country invest in transit. These do not need to be exclusive things
Personally i just use a toothpick, but i usually clean for smooth operation as I rarely run out these days.
You’re probably still getting some steel in the weed. It is very unlikely the knife and the grinder share the exact hardness.
It still kept up for at least 2 generations of AAA when built.
My pc lasted over 10 years without a GPU or CPU upgrade. Now it doesn’t keep up with AAA titles but there are still plenty of games, old and new, that I can play.
You have to consider the versatility of a pc to truly compare them. The pc will have better alternative uses like web browsing, the pc is very easy and fairly cheap to increase storage, you may be able to upgrade just some RAM or GPU to keep up rather than buying a new console. You’ll also have access to more games and more modding opourtunities. You can still use a controller on pc although you are often at a disadvantage in most FPS style games.
If you just want to game a console may be better or easier but overall a pc is usually the better investment in the long run.
Your parents are also able to contact the school directly if they really needed to get a hold of you, the reverse is often true as well.
To be fair, I’ve met some absent parents that genuinely don’t care if they see their kids again, and unfortnately it is possible for someone like that to be capable of being an astronaut.
Release an “update” with a “bug” that can only be fixxed with a raise.
I’m not sure you age but from what I understand, many people between 20-40 have been having issues finding genuine relationships and “situationships” are on the rise. I know several people that claim to be happy having 2-3 half commited partners (whom often also have other partners), but i don’t believe they are that happy, especially compared to a genuine relationship.
As others had said try to just stick to your own personallity and focus on your own happiness, changing yourself or your standards just to get laid often doesn’t work. When i was going through a phase of depression i started seeing a partner whom couldn’t commit to me the way i desired, but i stuck around anyway because it was a nice distraction from my life. A few months later we called it offand there was a fair amount of emotional pain. The relationship was kinda of toxic as well and I’ll probably carry scars from it into my next one. Even just the memories, good or bad, are constant distraction some times. My overall point is don’t commit to it if its not what you genuinely want, good relationships have been on the decline for a while so its not always your fault if you can’t establish one.
I agree with your points here but i think access to social media is exposing youth to that standard and the aceess to the products at an earlier age. This effect could also bleed into men in the sense of their standards for beauty become more unrealslistic as the top models are all they want on their screens.
It is so messed up how every part of our society is secretly tuned to make being poor trapped yet every rung up the ladder to being wealthy, the journey gets a little easier by hidden subsidies like this.
Yea I’m not too keen on giving authorization to hit pedestrians. If I feel threatened in my car, I am not allowed to run over the person so why should a driverless car gain that right? And if the panic button is going to call the police, how is that any different from the passenger using their phone to contact police? Seems like extra steps of middlemen and confusion when the passenger could just call once they feel the need.
I could defintely see a case for some extra safety features that help keep the doors locked and shut, maybe thicker windows too if needed to prevent robberies/assaults.