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Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Look random people on the street might find it a fun interlude to their day :) I know you weren’t completely though due to the personal example you referred to a couple comments back.

    However, you didn’t specify a method, said brother-in-law enters into the political discussions. From an outsider’s perspective, (me), there was no indication.


    will also

    I used these words in my first reply, not to deny your experience, but to add to it. The general nature of the word,


    in that part of your comment followed by an absolute statement spurred my entry. I think it’s important to highlight varied reasons people have for doing the same things.

    You spoke in one part of the comment generally, the other part specifically. My reply attempted to accept your specific experience, while engaging in the general discussion indicated about ‘general people’ happening alongside it.

  • While i find your derogatory comments about concussed goldfish disappointingly predictable, the point is by saying ‘both sides are the same’ or ‘both are as bad as the other’ isn’t really a political opinion.

    Its a statement that withdraws from engaging in the differences in party positions on specific subject or policy positions by broad brushing them as the same.

    For instance, a flounder might say to a butterfly fish, that, goldfish (concussed or not), are all the same, just to stop talking to the butterfly fish and get out of its reef! :)

  • I found the whole ‘cake day’ thing on Reddit a bit immature myself, kind of like a stale remnant from the excitement and exuberance of the internet before it was dominated by a few massive companies.

    By the time i left reddit my feelings towards those traditions were like yours. They seemed a bit hollow, over-egged.

    Times have changed, Lemmy and its user-base are a reaction to the dominant internet campanies. With that i’d hope we can be more thoughtful about building an online experience thats healthy and sober.

    To that point, i think marking an anniversary has a certain importance. I’d hope on Lemmy this kind of thing is approached with a more subtle maturity though.

    But at the end of the day, what one person takes away from text, and what another person takes away from the same text can be surprisingly different. So maybe I just read all those cake day messages in the wrong light.

  • Have you ever heard of de’beers diamond hoarding story. Thats like what i expect would happen to humanity if we gained the ability to live forever, ‘manufactured scarcity’.

    A tumultuous time of oligarchic rule with infighting to control the life extending technology. Eventually ending in a winner take all dictatorship. The masses would never see their lives extended (greener pastures visions may be made in the beginning). In fact common peoples lifespans would likely shorten as the controlling elite no longer required the same sort of widespread healthcare present even at todays standards, (depending upon where you live).

    The elite would form a supplicant circle around the eventual dictator who maintains control, drip feeding the life extending technology to those who serve their dictatorship best.

    Within a couple generations they won’t be a dictator but our Monarch, and the common people will obey, and descend to a miserable condition.

    I may have let my imagination loose today a bit…