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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • Two five star hotels isn’t something you find in a prison.


    Also 70% of jews in Israel, half the population are native jews not Europeans of any kind.

    Of the 20% Arab population, as many that live in Gaza, 70% identify with Israel over Palestine. A historic high that increased after weeks of war. Calling them colonizers is inaccurate and insulting levels of racism.

    The life expectancy in Gaza was actually 75 years, whatever 40 number you saw is misinformation. They had an average amount of hospitals and medical clinics per capita. There’s a lot of kids because people have a lot of kids. Why the population has ballooned.

    They also managed to get phones and other resources in. Almost like it wasn’t really a full blockade. Lots would go to work in Israel before the latest war.

  • Take it or leave it.

    Ones the shortest path to a good life for the kids. Being stubborn and martyring for the cause is what everyone there is taught is right at the schools. Including the UN run ones.

    And you seemed to have missed the citizenship and relocation to a safe place with protection. The only threat to them at that point is the violent thugs that run their government and the people who think collective punishment is OK who want revenge.

    Germans went through this too BTW.

  • Palestinians in Gaza have been offered citizenship, relocation for their families, and a financial reward to snitch on Hamas.

    Hamas is very popular unfortunately. Still hundreds, maybe thousands now, of collaborators including the family of its leadership.

    Oh yea also your numerical comparison is more like 1/50 are Hamas fighters or directly involved. We (as in everyone native to the region) have big families with lots of kids which is why the population demographics look like they do. My grandma was 1 of 12 siblings. The guy I linked is 1 of 9. But as the guy I linked said the kids are taught and expected that being a militant fighter is a noble goal so a few young men in each family end up becoming fighters with family support.

  • I think it’s a pretty verifiable thing and that both sides have motive to push prop.

    One just caught lying about this already. I don’t mean historically I mean this actual incident.

    Instead of waiting as long as we have the ordinance should have been shown through spokesmen immediately and at the press conference the ministry held surrounded by bodies.

    It takes time to do a convincing fake. So I expect this debate will reignite later.