That girl who plays Steam Deck and writes about gaming + Linux a lot

  • 18 Posts
Joined 11 days ago
Cake day: February 26th, 2025

  • I’ve seen the same.

    And I can’t claim any ownership of this, this is purely Gardiner’s server! I just…happen to know a lot of the devs and creators in the space, and I’m slowly inviting them in because - well I guess a place like this, more focused and small where we can chat about what we love: developing for Linux, and gaming on Linux might be a nice thing!

    I’d just encourage you to make a throwaway account (if you’re so inclined!) and ask in the server yourself! No one can answer better than Gardiner can :)

    This is literally like…idk 2 hours old at this point. No ‘big’ posts have been made, just me prodding the odd folk (like here) to join in and see if they like it :)

  • Hey, this is so sweet of you to say!

    Nope, no selling here. Ironically I had a couple of legit job offers for this kind of thing when I was writing these on Reddit last year (before leaving it). So…in some odd alternate universe, I might have been doing just that selling!

    For now, I’m very fediverse-addicted. No selling here. I’m glad you enjoyed the few things I found interesting myself! :)

  • Okay! I installed:

    • Unlimited Saving II
    • More Carry Weight - PTF
    • Stay Clean for Longer - PTF
    • Rich Merchants - PTF
    • Convenient Items
    • Ascetic Hunger Be Gone

    …and a couple others. I just mitigated how sim-ish it is, I understand that’s how the game was designed, but I’d prefer to make my own kind of ‘easy mode’, and that’s what it boiled down to for me! :)

  • Oh thank you so much!

    Its a lot of fun to me. This one (ironically) I feel like I did the bare minimum.

    I’ve been nursing a sore shoulder all week which put my work (red team - penetration tester) and fun (gaming / any typing) into the category of ‘I’d better do as little of it as possible to rest the arm’

    So…its really nice to hear that even this - where I stopped myself writing 19719161 words instead of 6 - is a nice read for some!

    Thank you!

  • The user discovered a bug, where anyone could apply games to their account, without buying or paying. He ended up notifying Steam (after he applied games to his account).

    To them, like all bug hunt payments, the cost of what they gave him in the end ($4K) was nothing compared to the damage of that being shared - they get everlasting good press over it; good will, and they close the bug. So the $4,000 is alongside keeping the games he’d applied to his account.

    Sorry, I could have worded that better! It’s on me for poor phrasing. English is not my native language, sometimes I can explain poorly.