The worm criticizes the hawk for crawling improperly.
The worm criticizes the hawk for crawling improperly.
I can tell this means a lot to you. I suppose it’s a matter of taste.
It’s something I haven’t delved into enough to arrive at a definitive conclusion, actually. The subject delivers little thrill for me.
No, modern sci-fi evolved over time like all the other complex stuff tends to.
Modern sci-fi is created by every fellow with a strange idea. Who thinks maybe I could get my idea across better if I framed it as a narrative and put it in scientific terms. because science is such a lovely language for talking about strange ideas.
Greg Egan, Iain Banks and Sam Hughes are good stuff, if you haven’t.
Also, there’s this amazing new genre, “LitRpg”. Basically fantasy where an rpg type videogame became real.
Most of it is the usual dreck but some of it goes hard sf, delving into the existential stuff.
A couple of the rationalists have even taken a swing.
Mother of Learning
Death after death
Friendship is optimal
So ya, real development is still alive.
No, that’s just your damn limited, dominance games obsessed perspective talking.
My point is actually the quality and appreciation of modern science fiction.
Oh zing!
See, it’s always an argument over value with you people.
So it’s always about who gets the credit. Who gets valued and who doesn’t. Who wins and who loses. That eternal muck of monkey dominance battles.
This bs dominates the common mind utterly. There’s no room for art there. It’s invisible.
It’s always an argument over value with you people.
I don’t refer to mary shelly. I do not distinguish her as the “inventor” of science fiction either. Rendering strange ideas in terms of esoteric disciplines for the metaphorical augmentation or whatever is as old as humanity.
No Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. I tried a little and gave up.
Never used any music or video streaming service. Yo ho
The last episide was weak. The first couple seasons were good.
You are better off
If you don’t remember then how can you tell?
Sometimes you remember dreaming, sometimes you half-remember dreaming, sometimes you remember nothing.
I’m assuming that the unremembered part is full of dreams too.
Or maybe it’s the obvious. Billionaires. Princes. Oligarchs.
Some people don’t remember their dreams. Some do.
It’s like dreaming (like you do when you go to sleep) except moreso
My real estate agent calls it “depersonalizing” the space. Remove all signs that it is occupied by humans with personalities. Make it like a furniture store.
Ideally we’ll do that to the whole world. Everything clean, grey, odorless.
Five Million Years to Earth
The hivemind overruling the director is pretty dystopian.
Black hole of need?
How about just different shapes of people, with differing tastes. Some obsess over money. Others over art.