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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Andor introduced by killing a dude in cold blood? That was Gilroy. Andor being conflicted and unable to take the shot on a legitimate military target? That was Edwards.

    So you have this mish-mash of conflicting story beats,

    Or… character development. He’s grown up in the Rebellion, he’s OK with killing people in cold blood if he has to as long as he can justify it as hurting the Empire. Then he meets Jyn and Chirrut and Baze and he is forced to question his whole philosophy. He’s been ordered to kill Galen Erso, but only unofficially, after being told to bring him in alive. He’s gotten to know Jyn and knows what killing her father will do to her. He’s starting to see him as a person instead of just another Imperial target. So he hesitates.

    God, in my opinion Rogue One is arguably the best Star Wars film, and if not, it’s a close second behind Empire.

    And Andor just expands on the fact that it’s a whole galaxy of potential stories, it doesn’t just have to be about lightsabers and space wizards called Skywalker.

    Yes, there seems to have been some behind the scenes decisions taken, and the whole film gave me a slightly different vibe to the original trailer. Would I love to see Gareth Edwards’s original cut of the film? Hell yes. Do I think Disney is taking the franchise in the Marvel “let’s make safe and less interesting popcorn entertainment rather than push the envelope and see what we can do with this universe” direction? Also yes.

  • and [Holdo’s] plan ending up getting almost all of them killed.

    Woah, hang on a second. Holdo’s plan would (probably) have worked fine if she hadn’t told Poe. It was because he told Finn and Rose over a line he didn’t know was secure so he actually also told Benicio Del Toro, who then sold that info to the Discount Empire First Order that everyone died.

    And then rather than punish Poe for that, she took responsibility for it, did what she could to save everyone else and sacrificed herself for the cause.

    Poe incited a mutiny. Holdo made a command decision about Need To Know. I know who deserves the medal after that all dies down, and it isn’t the hotshot that had already been demoted earlier that day for disobeying orders.

    You’re 100% right about #3. And I can’t really disagree with #4 either.

    God, I wanted to love this film. I still quite like it, but I can’t really bring myself to rewatch it as often as, say Rogue One. I think it’s weaker in retrospect after the retcon-fest that was Rise of Skywalker, which is a shame. Rian Johnson had some great ideas that could have reinvigorated the franchise. Instead, it’s barely limping on, giving us stuff like Andor as enough of a teaser that we don’t just give up on the whole thing.