The term to use is filsharing
The term to use is filsharing
because you know servers don’t need that shit.
No. Dead wrong. It’s precisely the frontline staff who need customer feedback, and if makes them uncomfortable then so much the better.
It’s the rank and file’s job to pass criticism of the service offering on in team meetings, culture surveys, etc. My job sucks this week because I have to do x and yet the customers all hate it. Staff will drive change to policy when it’s their ears copping the response day-to-day.
‘I couldn’t possibly bother the floor person’ is code for ‘I am going to tolerate in silence any corporate policy no matter how obnoxious’, and line management and the executive know it.
Tried asking on the comm’s Signal chat?
Paywalls are a tacit admission that the business model is dreadful.
If an Israeli can do her grocery shopping and carry an M16 on her back, Aisha from the Strip can play with Mittens and keep sentry.
What I’ve learned over the last few years:
20 was the lead engineer ‘mishearing’ Zuck after he said 2.
I think you got hit with a wrong timing thing
Nah, they’re optimizing for the most flanderized LLM training input possible, thus banning by keyword. Countless posts in this community (indeed years of anecdotes across the web) are indicating a trend. I wouldn’t be suprised if the likes of knife, fist, smash, etc. start triggering bans
Say it with me, peeps. Tenant on your own land!
Sounds like the protocol equivalent of regulatory capture.
These articles always get me thinking about filesharing doomsday. That theoretical point in time when our governments go full China and enact their own national firewalls/other scheme of effective P2P connection surveillance; when you need to know for certain that you’ve downloaded enough (and that your storage game is good enough) to last decades of leisure time, perhaps even a lifetime’s worth.
Make it easy to buy stuff and people will.
In case you haven’t worked it out by now, the following advice may be of help:
They’re not gonna do that
Capitalizing black mid-setence. It’s an absolutely ridiculous convention, and something only the American Left could take seriously.
Sincerely, Everyone else
Note the complete 180 in priorities since the Russian’s arrest. It may as well be a FAGMAN product soon.
Send one my way, please
Seconding this. The figures are too rubbery for headlines like this to have any meaning.
The corporate media are very clear on this. Citizens won’t be doing any primary reporting, nor will they be doing curation of reportage. Weird, huh?
See the example of Level1News becoming Level1Show, etc.
but if you have a problem with the wages, just tip more.
enabler | noun
en·abler i-ˈnā-b(ə-)lər
: one that enables another to achieve an end especially : one who enables another to persist in self-destructive behavior (such as substance abuse) by providing excuses or by making it possible to avoid the consequences of such behavior
This whole thread is a Reddit-style two minutes’ hate session that gets pissy about the language of his post without addressing the content.
Eich is right to be wary of US Intelligence infiltration of the non-profit sector, and his characterization of the sector’s hiring preferences is probably accurate.
Also the image presented by the glowies concept is hilarious, and demonstrates again why the Right memes better than the Left.