• 5 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • As one of the devs of a structure mod, ALL Minecraft structures have godawful world placement. There really aren’t many tools to improve how they spawn other than to ignore the world entirely lol.

    Funny thing to think about, when was the last time Mojang added a structure that cares about the world around it? Trial Chambers spawn underground, Trail Ruins spawn underground, Ancient Cities spawn underground, etc

  • Those are a bit of false equivalencies, because all of them still required human input to work. AI generated music can be entirely automated, just put in a prompt and tell it to generate 10 and it’ll do the rest for you. Set up enough servers and write enough prompts and you can have hundreds of distinct and unique pieces of AI music put online every minute.

    Realistically, putting aside sentimental value, there isn’t a single piece of music that humans have made that an AI couldn’t make. But I hope your optimism turns out to be right :/