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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I swear these people just want war. How do you think Putin’s going to react to that? France and Germany have been pushing too hard for my liking to beef up weapons manufacturing. It’s as if someone told them war=profits and rebuilding afterwards=profits and a nice way to get rid of an entire generation of problems.

    Maybe someone should thell them the current generation isn’t ready to mindlessly throw their lives away for these aholes. Or you know do your effing job and be a diplomat?

  • *Nov 19 (Reuters) - A humanitarian assessment team visited Al Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza and saw signs of shelling and gunfire in what was described as a “death zone,” the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Sunday.

    The WHO-led team, which included public health experts, logistics officers and security staff from various U.N. departments, was able to spend only an hour inside the hospital on Saturday due to security concerns, WHO said in a statement.

    The team described the hospital as a “death zone” and said the situation was “desperate,” with the hospital basically not functioning as a medical facility due to scarcity of clean water, fuel, medicine and other essentials.

    “Signs of shelling and gunfire were evident. The team saw a mass grave at the entrance of the hospital and were told more than 80 people were buried there,” the WHO statement said.

    The hallways and hospital grounds were filled with medical and solid waste, and patients and health staff expressed fear for their health and safety, it said. There were 25 health workers and 291 patients, including 32 babies in critical condition, remaining in Al Shifa, WHO said.*

    “WHO and partners are urgently developing plans for the immediate evacuation of the remaining patients, staff and their families,” it said.

  • Israel knows it’s a war crime but they try to use a loophole by crying out about Hamas tunnels etc.

    Under international humanitarian law, hospitals and other medical facilities are considered to be protected civilian objects. Unless they are used for military purposes, they shall be protected at all times and may not be the object of attack.

    So that’s why they’re so happy to show us some 9 rusty old weapons. Witnesses say they stripped and tortured 9 men already inside the hospital… I wanna make a bet here they found shit and are now torturing people to find shit. They blacked out communications so they even dig those tunnels themselves to show us for all we know.

    Also I would like to point out that they don’t allow outside sources in to confirm, investigate or even verify all their claims. So it’s not true until they do that for me personally. I don’t care what Daniel from IDF ‘claims’, I want it verified by unbiased sources.

  • Also Belgium. The only time I had a gun was when I joined the Police for a few years. After that, nope. In my 5 years, I’ve never even had the thought that I should pull out my gun. I’ve served in Brussels and rural areas.

    It was just emphasized so much during our 12 months of training to ‘never ever use it unless it’s your last resort, only pull out your gun when you’re ready to pull the trigger’ that it simply didn’t cross my mind. We were more trained with the stick thing, ‘job?’ and judo, hand to hand combat.

    Also, as a civilian you have to take an exam to own a firearm. If you have mental health problems or a record of criminal behaviour forget it. Even if you do get a license, you can only use it in a shooting range and specific situations. And never transport your gun and ammo together.

    If you have a burglar, even then you’re only allowed to use appropriate force. If he has a knife, you’re not allowed to shoot him.

  • Their statement would have been fine if they left the god and religion part out of it…

    *The following statement was released, “In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful. With the help of God Almighty, our air defenses were able to shoot down an American MQ9 aircraft. The aircraft was conducting hostile, monitoring, and spying activities within Yemeni territorial waters. These activities were carried out within the framework of American military support for the Israeli entity.

    The Yemeni Armed Forces affirm their legitimate right to defend the country and confront all hostile threats with the appropriate weapons, with God’s help. Yemen’s armed forces vow to continue military operations against Israel to support Palestine.” *

    Also, here’s a backstory to the Houthis in short: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/who-are-yemens-houthis-why-did-they-attack-israel-2023-11-01/

    I’m all for the Palestinian cause, but I don’t like the Houthis’ slogan. Or they should get a better PR firm.

  • Because this time it really could lead to WWIII. The middle east has always been a powder keg, but this time, both sides have committed such atrocities that there’s no coming back from it, unless they sit back at the negotiation table. (They won’t).

    For the Israeli side, it’s the 1400 dead and mutilated bodies and the 200 hostages they somehow forgot about. For Hamas, the last decades of living in an open air prison, harassment and dehumanising of their people. Also they have nothing to lose at this point. And the violence is not letting up.

    If Israel continues with this bloodlust thing they’re doing by bombing civilians, journalists and UN workers indiscriminately to death, chances are the Hezbollah’s will get involved in Lebanon. They’re much more organised and subsidized. When they get seriously in, it means the US will be obliged to counter attack. When the US counterattacks, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Egypt, all the Arab countries (with A SHIT TON OF MONEY) will get involved too in this war. This means more death and a war that no one will win, only more dead civilians as usual.

    The more I think about it, the more I think this is Netanyahu’s end goal. Forcing the US to join in on the war is their only way of winning this genocidal war. And to do that they have to antagonise all the regional players to a point that they can no longer look away from all the kids dying and start a real war on them so the Israeli can play the victim and be supported by the US and some (not all!) EU countries. This can break the world, divide the unity of the EU and pit them against the US. Africa will get involved too. Actually pit everyone against everyone…

    And then we have China and Russia…this is literally their wet dream. They’ll swoop in and take over after everyone of importance dies.

    Sorry, just very drunk and it is still a worst case scenario…