I don’t have a Sharkey account to test (I really need to move my masto off .social one of these days) but it works in Mastodon
Here’s an example (you’ll need to look on Lemmy to see the image):
Does anyone on your instance follow the communities you’re interested in? Lemmy communities ‘boosts’ all comments it receives, so you should have them.
Baroness Bertin made it clear she would not be approaching the topic from a prudish or disapproving position.
Because if there’s one thing you’d expect from a Tory peer it’s a healthy attitude to fetish porn.
The labeling idea is pretty interesting, an email service with inbuilt proxy, but your website is pretty light on details. Stuff like pricing or custom domain support is absent.
Do you have any recommendations for someone who just uses them for email?
Jeremy Hunt wants to cut benefits to pay for this increased defence spending. They’ll do anything before taxing rich people more.
I didn’t explain what I meant very well. To scrape a website you don’t need to understand robots.txt, implementing robots.txt is something you do to be a good netizen. But to get like info from Lemmy, implementing ActivityPub is a requirement.
Now I’ll admit, it’s not a great system and I do wish we had something better, but I also don’t think “this isn’t a good way to communicate preferences” is a good reason to ignore them.
Save a click:
“Although we are still assessing the impact, but overall, I don’t think it has any significant impact to our business and to our future performance,” Yang said. “So many other countries that have that kind of policies like Brazil and India. So actually it’s not a disadvantage, but probably an advantage for Lenovo.”
Yang went on to say that because of Lenovo’s global manufacturing footprint with facilities in several countries including the U.S., the company is more resilient and flexible allowing it to adapt to different scenarios.
This is the kind of news that plays in the background of disaster films before it all goes to shit.
[The report] also said discussion of intergenerational fairness tended to “pit younger and older generations against each other in a perceived fight for limited resources”.
Good take. Remember, the real divide is class not generation.
I didn’t say it was private, I said it wasn’t public, there’s a difference. If you asked me what number I was thinking of I’d tell you, but that’s not the same thing as the number I’m thinking of being public information. ActivityPub is, at its core, about consent. We have consented to having our data be sent to any person able to serve 200 responses on an inbox endpoint by using instances with open federation. We could, if that makes us uncomfortable, moved to a closed federation system where we only accept request from an allowlisted set of instances, with software that follows the spec’s public addressing system.
The comparison doesn’t work because both Lemmy and Mbin are implementing the same standard, while robots.txt is mostly an honour system.
You should assume voter data is fully public and fully open. It otherwise is in the federated ecosystem.
Information not being private isn’t the same thing as information being public.
Lemmy likes aren’t meant to be public, this is just other software failing to respect the privacy Lemmy indicates.
If this isn’t the next Far Cry game, then Ubisoft deserves to go bankrupt.
Damn, so this is how I find out we’re least trustworthy part of the commonwealth.
Has to be, no way SDF has 5 million comments.
>want a planned economy
>can’t plan for shit
Truly an auth left moment
Why did you link to a Mastodon post and not the actual article?
I use Emacs and love it. It’s an amazingly frustrating (and just plain amazing) piece of software, but it’s hard to move away from it because it’s the only thing like it. Maybe if Lem every gets mature enough I might switch.
I probably wouldn’t recommend it though as it doesn’t sound like what you’re looking for.