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Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Groundhog Day is one of my favorites. I like the romance in it but implications of off screen events do a lot of heavy lifting. Phil spends years getting to know Rita, has many intimate conversations with her (e.g. boathouse), invests time into her interests (French poetry), and does this without reciprocation (resets, slaps). While it starts off expecting a payoff, it turns into genuine understanding, admiration, and affection.

    That being said, it is very one-sided. Rita has no reason to fall for him in the single day she experienced even though the audience knows how amazing his change has been. She doesn’t really have an arc and is already a fully developed person, so it feels like she’s just there to help with Phil’s arc.

    I’ve added Map to my list and I’m looking forward to a different type of romance in it, so thank you for the recommendation!

  • My partner is recovering from surgery so lots of couch time has meant some odd choices as of late. Physical 100 is a reality show/contest about mostly Korean strongmen and women doing physical difficult tasks like pushing a wooden boat up a ramp. I don’t envy the editors that have to make two dudes each holding a 100kg stone Atlas style for two hours entertaining, but we ended up watching 8 episodes of it and will be finishing it up soon.

    Also enjoyed The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar. It was charming and short, and I really liked some of the special effects feeling like they’re from a play. I’m looking forward to the other ones in the series.