I would like to introduce you lovely OpenSource Lovers to a GIT-Alternative called FOSSIL that I also stumbled upon because of this Blog.<br> It’s basically opensource Github-in-a-box which means it’s an SCM with:
- Bug-tracker
- Ticketting-system
- Forum
- Wiki-system
- even a Chat-functionality
- Has built-in GUI
- Also has a Web-Server
- Self-Hostable like Gitea/Forgejo
& the best part it’s all in ONE STANDALONE FILE!!! which is extremely lightweight which you can copy to your $PATH & works even in crappy internet. how cool is that!!
However this tool supports a completely different style of development in FOSS called the “Cathedral-Style” whereas GIT suports a “Bazaar-Style”<br> The person behind Fossil is the creator of SQLite, <u>Dr.Richard Hipp</u> & they even made other projects to support Fossil like a PIC-Like language called PikChr<br> Well just in case; here’s a list of difference between Git vs Fossil<br> & guess what!! they even have a hosting service called CHISEL
Listen; Just check it out & use it for fun in your spare time even with the flaws it has (& Try out Darcs & Pijul as well)
Do you live in a world where storage is expensive or rare? Because I more or less forgot the meaning of deleting files.
Also git does support the git protocol as a server if you really need it.
The last time I checked Just because storage is cheap (it’s not where I live) doesn’t give you the excuse to create/use unomptimized garbage<br> All GIT does is versioning (which is Fine), Fossil comparitively has more features that GIT should have but doesn’t (like a “Sync all” repos)
Are you sure you’re not getting butt hurt by valid critiques?
What are these “Valid Critiques” ? You don’t mean “Why should I try out Fossil when I’m used to Git”
I use plane for my personal project ticketing and git is built into all my IDE. Why make it harder because of a random Foss project with opinions.