It’s also possible to be in a stereotypical privileged position while still suffering from terrible things such as health issues that are not covered and are costly.
Especially in America, where access to healthcare is gatekept by a special class of people whose permission you need to obtain healthcare.
Imagine if you needed a prescription for new clothes, and couldn’t buy new clothes until someone else signed a sheet of paper saying you were allowed to buy a pair of jeans.
It’s also possible to be in a stereotypical privileged position while still suffering from terrible things such as health issues that are not covered and are costly.
Especially in America, where access to healthcare is gatekept by a special class of people whose permission you need to obtain healthcare.
Imagine if you needed a prescription for new clothes, and couldn’t buy new clothes until someone else signed a sheet of paper saying you were allowed to buy a pair of jeans.
That’s not in any way a free market.