• steeznson@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Your review is accurate but I went in with rock-bottom expectations and thought it was fine. The Marvel movies have been bad for so long that the best point of comparison is probably with The Simpsons at this point where it is a pleasant surprise to find a new episode is not a huge dumpster fire.

    • Haha perhaps I secretly had higher hopes this would be the turnaround. When I think about the potential this movie had and wasted it might as well have been a dumpster fire. Difference being that this movie didn’t concentrate its terribleness in just a few moments I suppose.

      Just an example: you’ve got Xavier’s sister right? A super-powerful telepath able to read minds by quite literally getting inside their heads. She turns into the big bad because the dunce at the TVA slighted her for little to no reason, and the plot and motivations remained the same as it was before. Bo-ring.

      Instead, they could’ve done something more interesting; remember the comics where Xavier himself read Deadpool’s mind and realised what he knew about the true nature of the universe, and basically lost the will to live? They could’ve had Xavier’s sister (I feel kinda bad for referring to her this way but I can genuinely for the life of me not remember what her name was) do the same thing after getting inside Deadpool’s head. But instead of resigning to being just a character in a story, she could decide to end all stories by blowing up all universes (or perhaps she could try to regain her independence by destroying our IRL universe instead). The rest of the movie could play out the same, but with a more interesting motivation which is even lore-accurate.