Hey, if there are any folks here involved in friendly forks of fediverse software - Do you use any fancy merge strategies to merge upstream changes into your fork? What’s your mileage?
I’ve been hacking away at a private lil fork of Pleroma, adding some little convenience features for myself, and thought it might be a good idea to ask if I should be doing any of the fancy stuff github describes in their article about friendly fork management, or if I’ll be alright just doing git merge upstream/develop
Yep yep, that’s what I do for my feature branches! ;)
Or, well, at least when I’m the only one working on them, anyway~
Oh haha, I really doubt I need to worry about that; these are pretty community-specific features, I doubt the upstream project would even want them. I am concerned only with keeping my fork’s main development branch up to date with the upstream’s. Y’know, after I merge my custom features into it. There seem to be a bunch of intricate ways to do it (see the blogpost I linked), and I’m unsure if I should care about any of those, or if I can get away with just, doing a normal merge.