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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • They’re a last-ditch liberation movement with four discreet wings of praxis, dude. Moreover, the Palestinian Authority is collaborationist with occupying forces - this isn’t about manufacturing an endless war, though I’m sure Lockheed Martin and Elbit shareholders would love that - this is about reclaiming tangible avenues for political agency that were either captured or outright denied, violently, by ‘Israel’.

    You disagree, sure, but you don’t seem to understand the inhuman scale, decades of systemic violence, a population has to endure to make violence the only mutually understood language left.

    Also - to your point - it doesn’t help how many peaceful community leaders, politicians and organizers have been assassinated by the IOF and settlers in the last 75 years. Democracy, as presented by the PA, was never earnest or effectual in occupied Palestine - it was always a membrane of indigenous skin stretched over the occupiers demands.

  • The attack was claimed by ISIS-K - a foreign fighter offshoot/offbrand. Funny thing is that ISIS-K fighters were getting lifts from American chanook helicopters in Afghanistan and is largely made up of US assets and/or people formerly trained by the US in Afghanistan.

    Lots points to it being a CIA asset, tldr. They’re a dirty army that can be used to keep an area distabilised or prevent other geopolitical powers from building infrastructure/influence (the nutshell purpose of ISIS-K, particularly in Afghanistan to prevent pipelines being built).

    They had the inside scoop on an attack outside any usual operating theatre by a group with tangible links to US cooperation/orientation? No kidding.

  • The Nazis tainted everything they touched, I don’t see why this should be any different. And yes, the comparison is apt.

    Very few things in life are black and white - this is.

    You either support genocide or you don’t. You either support an increasingly fascistic apartheid ethnostate or you don’t. Lines are notoriously difficult to draw but they’re extremely clear cut here.

    Israel and the Zionist project gains legitimacy by proximity to genuinely honorable people like the ones you brought up - it’s rhetorical propaganda.

    I appreciate I’m taking a strong stance in my wording here but for gods sake, man - look at the whole thing. A dying empire is dusting off old world colonialism, complete with unabashed ethnic cleansing and the entire Western world is to-the-hilt complicit. History and systemic decline is being written. I don’t consider my language an overreaction - at all.