When 33% of the population agree that immigrants ‘poison the blood’ - what’s your take on that?
Should we assume that some very well balanced people believe that foreigners have poisonous blood?
When 33% of the population agree that immigrants ‘poison the blood’ - what’s your take on that?
Should we assume that some very well balanced people believe that foreigners have poisonous blood?
So all the Caucasians must leave? How dumb are you?
I’m struggling here to avoid being offensive - but really, Americans often appear to me to be averaging subhuman intelligence.
Yesterday I was reading about Latino MAGA’s who just assume Trump isn’t talking about them…
If you don’t know then install it and find out. Back in early 2000 it was the single greatest advancement in browser technology brought by Opera.
Whilst I’d like to see some kind of revival, or even revolution, in the browser market here - it does look as if Mozilla are setting out a future business plan which simply does not include Firefox… and if Firefox dips below 2% it will be sidelined as an alternative browser no longer supported.
#1 Gesturefly
'nuff said.
Firefox will not force an update - but it will tell you to restart to continue AFTER it has been updated… learn to control your updates, don’t use Firefox as a Snap if that’s what’s going on.
For sure, as a teenager - interest in music
switched from interest in music to finding music videos that got girls in 'em'.
Is this thread intended for 1. Android/mobile users 2. iOS/mobile users 3. People with computers/mouse/keyboard or what? It seems most Lemmy threads are pretty exclusively aimed at mobile users.
ROFLMAO - looks like they had a hissy fit.
The main issues (as my best lesbian friend once chimed in with me) are the people who are rather too quick to find offence, in an aggressive way, rather than offer a correction or an explanation, or simply engage in some discussion to confirm their initial suspicions.
On a limited connection, I’d advise not updating whilst watching a video. It’s also possible to download a video and watch it whilst updating.
Beyond that it’s not easy to answer - as I don’t use discover, but also never do updates without paying attention, so that watching a video at the same time isn’t something I’d contemplate.
Haha marketing is what it is… a joke I made up some 30 years ago was that, despite what we see on the surface - the evidence proves that women are disgusting, dirty, fat, ugly animals that need a vast array of products to be created so that they can go outside without offending everyone…
So yes, you’re right to find this ridiculous and offensive - but at the heart of it is simple greed, which is the real meaning of the American Dream.
You’re joking, right?
My computer is set to 1. Warn me at 9.25 to accept or cancel suspension at 9.30. 2. Set volume to 10% and suspend at 9.30 (just in case it gets woken up, I once woke it up at 4am and had a radio application wake up the family). 3. RTC Wake set to 5.59 4. 6.25am my wakeup music plays.
I have suspend, also hybrid - where it will suspend, and after a certain time (useful for laptops, mine’s set for 12 hours so I never hit this unless I go on holiday) it’ll hibernate.
Fundamental error - as usual with Windows news.
These ‘Start Menu Ads’ aren’t rolling out to everyone, I have zero ‘Start Menu Ads’. In fact, I have Zero Ads in my operating system.
Why must Windows news always assume that everyone runs Windows? Isn’t this the main bug with all operating systems?
There are a couple of things here… firstly you’re thinking about him being with someone else - that’s not just a ‘breakup’, that’s worse.
Anyway, I found relaxing to be difficult so I went out and did stuff - also I just met lots of friends and tried not to be on my own. During my last breakup, I had someone to meet every day after work for a week - and that put some distance which made it easier.
They’re mostly for defence. The best way to attack snails is with an a-salt rifle.
So what is the answer?
Maybe push for laws - the purchase of a plastic bottle include 25 cents surcharge on the bottle.
Then you can toss the bottle in the street, and the homeless can scavenge for bottles and make a decent wage for a day’s work - and still there’s enough left over to deal with the plastic.