I mean… you could use it with a portable USB power supply during a blackout. But really… This is an emergency situation just COPE WITHOUT it.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • I actually really like that the washing machine and my makita charger do those noises just because I’ve never heard appliances do musical stuff before and think it’s really cool. BUUUUT:

    I would totally hate it if anything.* aaaanything at allllll* in the kitchen were to make music the same way. Microwaves – and the oven – and the pressure cooker – are already extremely loud and obnoxious as they are.

    The washing machine and battery charger are somehow fine just because I don’t associate them with the kitchen appliances I grew up being screamed-at by. The whole ‘conditioned to be annoyed by X but when Y does it it’s fine’ thing

  • I really hate when plastic tupperwares ooze grease even if you wash them ten times . If baking soda doesn’t work, there is an even stronger option: washing soda.

    I use baking soda to wash holiday glassware that spends all year on top of the nasty cabinets above the stove and it kills the sticky mildew feel almost instantly. But when push comes to shove, washing soda is even more insane than baking soda.

    Just be sure to rinse thoroughly so it doesn’t end up in the food