“I’m just asking questions!”
“I’m just asking questions!”
I can’t imagine what it feels like for a Uber driver. Riders are literally behind you, sitting in the back seat. There was a tiktok video of a psychopath jokingly pointing a gun at her driver.
I read this as “No Pronoun Problems” and was like, dayyum, Two Face got my vote. Hell yeah de-gender those bathrooms in the Two-Face Goon cave.
There was a movie or show where they ripped a hard drive out of a server and then punted it through a gunfight. It slid on floors, rolled around a dozen times, and the hero picks it up and leaves with it.
And it just works.
This fucking dork snorts so much cocaine he forgets he’s in reality and isn’t hidden behind one of his sock puppets.
I’m not angry. I’m just confused.
This is apple we’re talking about. So it’ll be $500 and called the iDock and the fans will call it innovation.
NFTs. I’m so glad it died so quickly. What a scam.
Can’t wait to see Ubisoft’s first AI only game.
They’ve been doing it since '95. Only this time, the alternatives are so much better
Them: I make typos for engagement.
Me: I make typos because I don’t spellcheck/grammar check and I’m stupid.
We are not the same.
Halo 4 was wack.
Halo 5 hasn’t been released on PC yet.
Halo infinite was pretty good, but forgettable.
Replaying the remastered Halo trilogy, yeah… They’ll never recapture that magic.
Apparently if it’s not cross promoting on Mountain Dew or something, people think it’s dead.
This is going to sound weird but I volunteered as a parent on a school field trip. And all the preteens (boys and girls) were talking about CoD.
My tinfoil hat assumption is that they’re continuing to buy their way into social relevance.
This is a shared experience.
Every single person in my circle gave the biggest wtf to it and when they finally got it, talk about how they rarely use their gaming PC.
I don’t think so. It’s been making the tech waves for the past year. As a multinational, my company went department by department, ensuring we clean up and remove anything potentially connected to Russia. I’m guessing it’s never been newsworthy enough for the average person.
My favorite thing is Ubisoft blaming something and then gaming companies going, “Uh no? That’s just you.”
In the past decade, game companies have been releasing devs after a game is finished. I have a few friends in the gaming industry, and it’s brutal as a software engineer.
No one answered it in the comments but is this saying the dog is 45? Like in human years?
Sweet! This is really cool and inspired me to try something.
We give someone with a high school diploma a few weeks of training a badge and a gun. They don’t even have to fully understand the law.
And now they can tell if you’re high or not from first sight.