I did only a quick search really but couldn’t find if any major android phone manufacturers had stopped advertising on there?
I did only a quick search really but couldn’t find if any major android phone manufacturers had stopped advertising on there?
Wish granted, the chip erases your memories of games you’ve played every single time you sleep, along with all your other memories.
9070 xt is targeted at the 5070 ti
9070 is targeted at the 5070
Rhyperior because it’s design is woeful. It ruins the whole line.
Replacing it with a design that isn’t so ugly would be great but I would settle for deleting it.
Persistence hunting is overblown, humans didn’t evolve the best brains to mindlessly jog after prey.
Work smarter, apply pattern recognition and build traps for your prey.
The intermediaries care. This is very obvious.
Are you saying illegal immigrants should illegally obtain firearms?
FYI a vasectomy isn’t a 100% guarantee against getting a woman pregnant as it can sometimes heal, even years after.
A DNA test should still have been ordered in that circumstance.
I had a 7900xtx briefly but a fan died and they refunded the card rather than fix the fan.
They haven’t really been available since then due to stock issues.
It definitely seemed like the better option than the 4080.
Try leaving a technically correct comment first.
1080ti has had the longest useful lifespan of any GPU ever.
Im still running mine but Im likely to buy a 5090 very soon as Im making the leap to 4k gaming and vr from 2k.
This is even funnier because black boxes are bright orange
The old hags in the fucking HR department at one place I worked were the most racist sexist pieces of shit I have ever had the displeasure of being within earshot of.
Any group is capable of making a workplace toxic.
A garlic cheese sauce is my go to and I have yet to receive a single complaint.
LW may block certain VPNs but I can confirm that I am able to access LW from at least one well known VPN provider.
This may also be due to them using Cloudflare.
I know, I just wanted to ensure there wasn’t a misunderstanding
Sorry if I miss your meaning, you’re saying you are an illegal immigrant but are relying on your skin colour to go undetected?
They’re all hoping for Fortnite sort of longevity as a live service game.
What killed Apex for me was rampant cheating and a toxic player base. I have no idea what killed it for others.
It really must be…
My question is less about the OS than it is the manufacturers paying to advertise on X. Buying from them is supporting X indirectly.