• 3 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: November 6th, 2024


  • So noble that you don’t reject genocide on principle

    This kind of shit is why adults can’t take you children seriously.

    Do I actually have to type out the words “I AM AGAINST GENOCIDE” before you’re willing to allow your brain to take common sense into account?

    Like, how slow do you have to be to not grasp that being against genocide and choosing Harris over Trump to minimize the fallout are not mutually exclusive?

    Dipshits who sat out the election or voted 3rd party didn’t accomplish ANYTHING. They sat on the sidelines and cried like children while allowing the situation in Gaza to deteriorate to a maximum degree.

  • DarkFuture@lemmy.worldtoReddit@lemmy.worldRandomly found this on Reddit
    2 days ago

    You can do so, so much more for the causes you care about by GOING THE FUCK OUTSIDE.

    I mean…it all starts with communication, right?

    This platform is a source for communication. One that isn’t affected by corporate goons and Nazis the way Reddit is. The internet is literally the most effective form of communication if used properly. Yeah, you eventually have to go outside and get dirty, but it starts places like this.

    We shouldn’t be putting this post down. It’s not productive.

  • DarkFuture@lemmy.worldtoReddit@lemmy.worldRandomly found this on Reddit
    2 days ago

    Does it wax poetic? Yeah, sure.

    Is it right? Yes.

    Is it from our keyboards? So what? That’s how it starts. If we don’t congregate and open communication about what’s happening in a space where we can’t be censored, then there’s no chance of anything in opposition happening.

    It borders on cringe, but I support it 100%.

  • The amount of mental gymnastics you’re doing to justify the Democratic party supporting genocide is genuinely sad.

    The amount of mental gymnastics you’re doing to ignore the fact that these dipshits hurt Palestine more than they helped Palestine is genuinely sad.

    I didn’t vote for that platform and I never will, because it’s truly, fundamentally evil.

    Oh look, you’re one of those dipshits. You should go to Israel so they can personally thank you for helping elect Donald Trump.

    I’d sooner not vote at all.

    I’m trying to find out where your rock bottom is and I’m starting to think there isn’t one.

  • A majority chose Jill Stein

    Jill Stein? You mean the clown that shows up a couple months out from every election, then disappears for 4 years? You mean the Jill Stein that got more votes than any other 3rd party candidate and that amounted to a whopping HALF OF A SINGLE PERCENT of the total votes cast by Americans?

    That Jill Stein?

    Lol. Anyone that voted 3rd party for president is a fool of the highest caliber. They threw their votes away on candidates that COULD NOT win, ensuring a Trump victory. Because every one of those fools went into the election not knowing if their vote for a 3rd party was going to be the deciding factor of the election.

  • Yeah, because Kamala was so pro-palestine lmfao

    What does that have to do with people who claimed they cared about Palestinians doing the right thing and voting for the BEST candidate regarding Palestine? Because Trump made it extremely clear he wanted Israel to steamroll Palestine and, oh shit, now that he’s president that’s the stance he’s taking. WHO COULD HAVE FORESEEN THIS!?!?!?!?

    Honestly, you’re doing a great job of personifying the exact fools I’m talking about.

    Like, any sane party would have seen how polling showed that a huge chunk of your base rejected your stance on Palestine and reevaluated.

    You realize that a responsible government can’t just change its stance regarding allies every 4 years just to win an election, right? We would have no allies. It’ll be a cold day in hell before we jeopardize our most important ally in the Middle East. So are you suggesting Democrats should have stooped to Republican levels and lied to the American people by saying they would stop supporting Israel and then just taken that back after they won?

    Like goddamn, you’re here calling other people trash because they didn’t want to support a candidate who was okay giving a blank check to a foreign country earmarked for carpet bombing civilians?

    No, I’m here calling trash people trash for pretending they cared about Palestinians and then refusing to vote for the BEST AVAILABLE OUTCOME for Palestinians. I mean, I guess you could argue that they aren’t actually trash, but just really, really, super stupid people that somehow thought not voting for Palestinian’s best shot would be a smart thing to do. I’m willing to meet you in the middle on that one.

    These dipshits sealed Palestinian’s fate AND put our own nation in extreme jeopardy. They can honestly go fuck themselves.

  • You dont know the future

    Nope. But I know humanity and I’ve picked up a history book.

    Again, look around you. Look at world politics. We’re moving in the opposite direction of addressing climate change. As long as money is our prime motivator, we will keep acting in direct opposition to the wellbeing of our planet. And, another spoiler alert, money is going to be our motivator for the foreseeable future. Probably forever. We will only address the issue when it seriously affects every man, woman, and child on this planet and by then it will be far too late.

    Humanity was always going to destroy this planet on a long enough timeline. It was inevitable. I’m not a defeatist. I’m a realist.

  • Yup.

    Too many people have Dancing With The Stars and Doritos and aren’t willing to sacrifice that to stop a fascist takeover. Little do they know that by the time they lose those things, it’ll be too late. And under the best case scenario that the fascist regime is overthrown after a few years and a ton of bloodshed, they’ll then spend the rest of their lives living in a society being rebuilt and economically broken, assuming they’re still alive.

    Idiot humans that can’t learn from history that’s within living memory. Blow right past all the opportunities to avoid an awful future without shedding any blood. This November was probably the last opportunity for that.