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Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Been playing Dishonored for the first time and really enjoying it. I’m only at the bridge and trying to play a low/no kill game. I’m not succeeding just yet, but it’s been really enjoyable and they do stealth really well. I’m baffled that they mismanaged to get the team that made this and Prey to push out Redfall? Man.

    Just picked up FFVII after the second or third hiatus or my third or fourth attempt to play it. FINALLY made it to the Nibelheim story and past Midgard. And that somehow still manages to work on me as a first time player.

    Just beat Banner Saga 1 and have never felt so much like a failure after “beating” a game. That game is trying to unseat This War of Mine for decisions regretted/minute.

    I’m wanting to start up my Nintendo series playthroughs again by either starting Mario Galaxy 2 or trying to remember what on earth was happening in Majora’s Mask (3DS) something about the water temple maybe?

  • I want to say Nando V. Movies or Sideways (man I miss Sideways) on YouTube has something on it, MAYBE breadsword, but I couldn’t find any recommendations on where it’s mentioned as it wasn’t a headlining aspect of any of their videos. There’s a 0.5% chance that that’s my own extrapolation from watching them for years.

    Basically. In a musical, if the emotions are too much for talk, sing, and use that song to really reveal what you’re doing and what you’re all about. In a hero movie, if there’s too much personal beef to talk, hero up and/or fight, and use that heroicism to tell the story OF that personal conflict and of that self actualization.

    Black widow comes to mind most with this:

    Alexi has a character arc of having fought Captain America, but he confronts someone trained on Cap (taskmaster) without ever actually really fighting “Cap” or acknowledging the possibility. Nando has a video on this that seems to only still work on Nebula. The YouTube version is there, but doesn’t load. It also doesn’t mention anything about musicals.


    The character has this I-fought-Cap thing as part of his character, possibly part of his character arc, if it were a musical, he’d have gotten a few major lines in joint I-want or conflict song, then he steps up to that moment and no one wrote a “song” for him or even honored an earlier number with a leitmotif. The “music” was already written and the actualization for one of your primary support characters is acted out, but given no real attention or connection to the character arc. They forgot the earlier part was written because the climax of the story was already in place without any connective tissue to the rest of the “music”.

  • The thing is, having scores of haters means you’re doing something worth hating and if you have something to say, they’ll probably be right there to hate on it regardless. However, if you do your best to cave to every criticism and say nothing at all, even your haters will move on along and so will most others. The haters will absolutely say “told you so” on the way out, though.

    But definitely listen to the people who want a 3rd act that wasn’t built 2 years before the script was released. Musicals, Kevin. Fight scenes are like songs in musicals.

  • I beat Hyper Light Drifter for the first time. And I think I spent some time on the new Mario kart levels, though that might have been last week.

    HLP is a fascinating game with a novel approach to gameplay and world building. A few controls issues annoyed me, but they were growing pains and not fully learning the system. I love games that use that particular art style. I think I’m doing Mario Galaxy next.

    I’m trying to figure out my second Voucher game to get.

    My top choices are: Arceus - I enjoy pokemon, but it sounds like a lot of “research” busy work. Pikmin 4 - I haven’t clicked with Pikmin demos previously, but the idea has always seemed pretty interesting if I’d let it go farther. Mario Wonder - feels shorter, and more peripheral to my interest, but I’ve heard great things. Xenoblade 3 - I’ve only played XBX before and not all the way through. RPGs aren’t completely my thing, but I’ve heard great things.

    None of them are THE game I’m after with pros and cons to each. The decision paralysis is rough and I don’t see anything worth waiting for before May.

  • Came here to say The Locked Tomb is FANTASTIC meme humor and so witty in almost every way. However it’s a series that I’m convinced I’ll never actually understand. I’m on Nona now and things are barely better. Harrow had me second guessing every fact and almost pulling out a cork board, pins, and string to just understand when what happened to whom.

    One of my favorite new series, though. And it’s been a delight to buddy read with my wife.