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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • One of Googles biggest competitor’s is the company “Meta” which is phonetically similar to the judges name. The previous commentator made a joke where they appeared to confuse the corporation for the person. A situation that would be absurd if true, and from there the humour arose.
    When a respondent (you) appeared to miss the subtext in the comment, and took it at face value, I made a post where I gave the impression I had made the same mistake , and suggested that the judge had previously had a name phonetically similar to “Facebook” which was the name previously used by the corporation now called “Meta”.

    Such a situation would require a coincidence even more implausible and absurd than the first, and was intended to demonstrate that neither comment should be taken seriously.

    Your comment indicates you either failed to identify the absurdity, possibly due to confirmation bias following your previous response. Or you are attempting to “up the ante” by erroneously taking such absurdity seriously for further humourous effect. Your follow up comments elsewhere suggest the former.

    Regardless, the “joke” has now been thoroughly killed by way of explanation. You can choose to accept the explanation or choose to remain in error.

  • A lot of people I work with were affected, I wasn’t one of them. I had assumed it was because I put my machine to sleep yesterday (and every other day this week) and just woke it up after booting it. I assumed it was an on startup thing and that’s why I didn’t have it.

    Our IT provider already broke EVERYTHING earlier this month when they remote installed" Nexthink Collector" which forced a 30+ minute CHKDSK on every boot for EVERYONE, until they rolled out a fix (which they were at least able to do remotely), and I didn’t want to have to deal with that the week before I go in leave.

    But it sounds like it even happened to running systems so now I don’t know why I wasn’t affected, unless it’s a windows 10 only thing?

    Our IT have had some grief lately, but at least they specified Intel 12th gen on our latest CAD machines, rather than 13th or 14th, so they’ve got at least one win.

  • My understanding is , besides cost, the virus is just so contagious, that it’s an all or nothing proposal.
    Vaccination is always better for the individual, but for the “herd” it’s actually worse unless you can get almost everyone at once. That would have been hard enough before that arsehole Wakefield and even moreso now.

    But it’s a numbers game. Our doctors looked at the statistics and made a recommendation when the vaccine became available, but now there is actual data on a generation of it’s use in other countries to add to that analysis. Maybe that will lead to a change in policy, maybe it will just affirm it. If a change is deemed to be worth it in the long run, the transition period would be difficult.

  • As someone from a part of the world where the medical consensus is against mass vaccination against chickenpox, it’s weird to see it discussed in the same terms as Measles or COVID.

    I got my youngest jabbed for it because lockdown meant they didn’t get it as a toddler like most kids I knew of growing up, when it’s usually an irritating but short illness and I was concerned they might somehow make it to adulthood without encountering it, when it actually becomes a lot more harmful.
    That was unfounded, since it’s going round all the young uns right now. Still, we’re both glad they won’t have to experience the itchy spots, although jealousy over friends who had a few days off school was expressed.

  • Between this and the tooth decay “vaccine” (that replaces acid producing bacteria in the mouth with an alcohol producing kind) there’s no reason my kids shouldn’t reach old age without a full set of their teeth.
    Aside from that whole, climate-change-driven-collapse-of-social -order thing.

    I better avoid it through. I had four of my otherwise healthy adult teeth removed early on to avoid crowding issues. No idea where they’d fit in my head now if they grew back