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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 1st, 2024


  • Yeah…our gen was sold a bag of dicks and were told to be grateful.

    You are spot on when it’s not just a US problem if the big ol orange baby wins: goodbye democracy, goodbye NATO, goodbye Ukraine and welcome to the new world where Putin will annex everything he can with impunity, the US is ruled by SCOTUS lifetime appointed theocratic, and the Dems just stood by and let it happen.

  • IMO what the latest generations are missing out on is the absolute randomness of on air TV.

    TV used to be flipping through channels until something caught your attention, even if it isn’t or wasn’t what you were in the mood for and absolutely finding it interesting/a good watch.

    We caught ourselves this last vacation chilling at our rental watching an old (late 90s) movie we haven’t seen in a long time and it clicked for me: our kids curate thier own watchlists and looking at a thumbnail or reading the description isn’t the same as coming across a show a quarter of the way through trying to figure out whats going on and staying until the end.

    A bit of a boomer take, but it’s an experience im close enough to be one to make.