Are the stars meant to look AI generated? I refuse to believe they actually exist (my obvious incorrectness not withstanding).
Are the stars meant to look AI generated? I refuse to believe they actually exist (my obvious incorrectness not withstanding).
Isn’t that just called “being french”?
“We aren’t leaving” say the white groups that went touring “white genocide” across the USA a few years back. Fuck those actual racist shitheads. As a south African I would happily have them leave. Actually, if they want to feel persecuted, I will volunteer to persecute them. I am white, so I can offer a “superior” persecution.
Incorrect. If all black people were killed, then discrimination would end. Your scenario involves Afrikaner corpses, which are white and therefore worth 10^N with N -> \infty of “the blacks”. Thus, you cannot trivially cancel 0 dead Afrikaners with anything except a similar number of Israelis.
Excuse me while I puke after typing that, but I live in SA.
No local news sources reporting this in SA …