It seems likely to cause a rift though as they all fight to take the reigns. We saw in the primaries that no one was even up to the task for taking the reigns from an old criminal drowning in legal woes who attempted a violent coup, and also pissed off McConnell, the next most powerful republican.
I still don’t understand Trump’s “charisma”, but there’s no denying that it seems exclusively his. The other candidates tried saying the quiet parts out loud too, and didn’t manage to elicit any hint of fervor.
He may be a symptom, but a political defeat would stall their fascist movement. And only a Dem controlled house/senate/potus combined have much chance at stopping, or at least stalling, this freight train. And they may just eat each other if we can stall them long enough.
Probably because running a presidential candidate is a waste of money unless your intent is to split the vote.
Start local, gain influence, work your way up.
Edit - to those downvoting, the Green Party literally has zero representation, even at the State level. And you want to jump straight to POTUS. Riiight.
Get one state senate seat. Get one House of Representatives seat. Get some kind of representation. Then you have a bargaining chip.