Binary Large OBject
Binary Large OBject
Honestly it seems like an arbitrary line, considering that Herbert’s story continues for a few more books after that. The first two books could also be considered a good standalone (duology?), since they cover the span of Paul’s story.
Really, the only wrong answer is the first book alone. I think most people read only the first book and get the wrong idea.
Good idea. I’ve heard that nuking cities is a very effective way of forcing a stubborn enemy nation to surrender.
It’s also preferable to a prolonged invasion and conventional bombing campaign, simply in terms of number of casualties. The number of people killed by the two nuclear bombings it would take to force Ukraine to surrender would be significantly smaller than the number of casualties incurred by a drawn out conventional invasion.
Seems like the only moral course of action for Putin to take.
Ah, the Siamese Room argument.
Never heard of real debris, why is it better?
Edit: looks like it’s a seed box?
Not necessarily subscription, it looks like the $30 osmand+ app supports it. Also, you can just steal it. :D
Why not all of the above, and a dedicated idiot to boot?
Educate yourself or shut the fuck up. Otherwise, don’t act surprised when you’re ridiculed for constantly voicing worthless thoughts.
Lol there’s way more of us than there are of you anti-reading shitheads. And of course when I see such aggressive anti-intellectual bullshit, I feel compelled to mock the moron who’s lauding the virtues of being moronic.
There’s a couple of private trackers for STLs: (main) (to a lesser extent)