woman. student of behavioural science 🇸🇪🏴‍☠️ avatar © donnazucoyy

  • 36 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023


  • Okay I’m too lazy to draw on the pictures so I’ll translate each slide in text form. I can’t believe my life has come to this lmao.

    SLIDE 1: How Star Trek kickstarted the fandom culture online.

    SLIDE 2: Common terms within fandom cultures. A picture of a Trekkie shown as a single individual, arrow pointing right to a Star Trek convention captioned with “part of the Star Trek fandom (collective).”

    SLIDE 3: Common terms within fandom cultures, continued. Shipping: the act of shipping (characters) romantically. Occurs within practically all fandoms. Pictures of common ships (Sherlock/Watson, Eve/Villanelle, Aziraphale/Crowley, Piper/Alex). Canon vs fanon (true vs fan-made).

    SLIDE 4: The famous slash phenomenon. It all begin with Star Trek: The Original Series as fans adored the dynamic between Spock and Kirk (+McCoy), leading to them creating fanart as shown in the slide. Known as Kirk “slash” Spock when tagging fanfictions depicting them in a romantic light, thus coining the term slash for homosexual male relationships.

    SLIDE 5: Femslash, starting to take off more since the 90s. The lesbian counterpart to slash, not as popular however. Focus on shows with already existing queer women (like OITNB) or possibility of lesbian shipping (like The 100). Most representation comes from animated adult shows (Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy, Vi/Caitlyn, Adora/Catra, AJ/RD from MLP (not adult but it’s nostalgic to me)).

    SLIDE 6: So what was fanfiction again…

    SLIDE 7: The wonder that is AO3. A nonprofit organisation whose goal is to preserve fan works, most commonly written fanfiction.

    SLIDE 8: Here I present the most popular slash ships in Star Trek. The fanfictions counted only apply to those posted on AO3, there are more sites like fanfiction dot net and Wattpad which have more.

    SLIDE 9: The popular femslash ships in Star Trek. Same principle.

    I finished the PowerPoint with my personal favourite ship (hint: DS9). I lazily translated all of this and I spoke more once I presented it verbally so if anybody has any questions I’ll be happy to answer lol. I stayed up until 3AM to make this and I didn’t take it very seriously but it was fun! And my dad liked it. Not shipping tho.

  • I also had another question. I’ve tried to get my parents to use NextDNS, but they think it’s blocking too many sites (like "sponsored websites) so they don’t use it. I wonder if I should use a DNS on my router at all because I don’t want my visitors to get blocked from any sites, or is there a way to configurate NextDNS so it doesn’t block those sponsored sites?

    Furthermore, what are the consequences of using a VPN and DNS on a router AND your phone (different locations, etc)?

  • Solid advice. I already know what brand is good in my area (Bahnhof), and I’ve enjoyed using Mullvad and NextDNS, so I already know what VPN and DNS I’m comfortable with.

    I’ve always been a bit confused about the exact purpose of PiHole, what it is and such, but I’ll have to read up on it and see if it fits my needs.