• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Considering I remember some project in the past tried something like that in the past and found that because you can’t control when people log off you can’t guarantee files will transfer in one piece not to mention how expensive it was having everyone’s computer constantly using Internet and computing stuff. For that reason I think the main problem here is that we are trying to centralize video sharing onto one platform. I instead propose we encourage people to make their own platforms. Like if you want to watch idk PewDiePie you go to PewDiePie.com and encourage people to explore the Internet instead of just sitting on one site. I suppose as a step in the right direction I propose that we get people to make online data bases using laptops/desktops that have nothing but xzamp and the videos you wish to upload to the web. Then we all collectively promote a sort of aggregation site that promotes everyones videos that way the aggregation site only has to store a bunch of hyperlinks and handle all the traffic while you the content creator just have to handle the traffic your content generates now the only challenge is making this idea profitable because if content creators can’t profit few if any will make content and if the aggregation platform can’t break eaven then we are back to square one of no one knowing where to look for content.

  • Yeah I feel that way about the Internet as a whole kinda one of the reasons why I’ve been trying to make my accounts interact with j pop and Japanese studying recently so there’s what I’ve been trying and here specifically im finding a lot of communists and trans people trying to get people to be on their side and like bro I just want to get suggestions on how to make my car faster I suppose at least the atheists on here are pretty jokey and the fuck cars community is pretty chill actually one of the reasons why dispute being a car guy I strongly support infrastructure that doesn’t focus on cars over all the star trec meme community here has been pretty good non political community

  • If you’re going back in time it’s possible you can end up in different time lines like maybe you could rencarnate into a timeline where Stalin never came into power because you caused him to become the dictator he’s known as today or maybe you could rencarnate as Adolfs mother and have to raise your child knowing the monster he will become shit that actually sounds like a good novel I want to read

  • Eye I have two really nice cars and I only ever take them out on tracks or going around the county side. Otherwise I to am taking the bike everywhere. Even if it means going through a hard ass mountain range. I honestly get it. Cars are expensive and if the only place you get to drive it on are highways and cities yea cars are pretty boring and frustrating. You really need a good mountain range or track to appreciate cars, and sadly those are becoming rarer and rarer for people and especially young folks. So thanks car sentric infrastructure for making cars boring and infuriating.