✨ watching my life pass me by 💫
closet transfem 🫷😒 undercover girl 👈 🥹
✨ watching my life pass me by 💫
Just like my history with my mental illness affects a small populace. Why should the world have to bend to my problems?
Because you matter, and your problems matter >:3
I know it can be hard to feel that way, but the way I see it is - after everything they’ve taken from us, we can’t let them take our self-worth! Most cis people and most abled people I know aren’t ashamed to expect the world to work for them; we don’t get points for expecting nothing for ourselves.
I would never expect the intolerable, ignorant, racist, or cruel people to bend their beliefs for me. Its a waste of my energy to want that.
I don’t expect them to do that. I don’t need them to do that either. I need them to shut up and fuck off. You know, the exact same thing they want the people they oppress to do >:3
As for it being a waste of your energy… that’s your call, but personally, I wouldn’t be able to keep going if I couldn’t imagine a world where the bigots consistently lose. I haven’t yet “found my tribe” with people who understand and accept me, and it’s not likely to happen in the near future; so the hope that a better world is possible, and that I could help build it, is basically all I have left - and yet, it’s been enough to get me this far. Who knows, maybe it’ll do something for you.
Especially because you shouldn’t give a fuck about how people perceive you. You should be whoever you are and not care about labels.
Unfortunately we are social creatures with a need for acceptance and belonging. We can survive without those things, but it isn’t really living. Take it from someone who spent most of their life living like a hermit.
Having someone recognize your gender is one of the most basic kinds of acceptance. Social interactions tend to feel pretty hollow and superficial when you know that the other person doesn’t know/care who you really are. (Again, ask me how I know 🙂)
Hi, Centrist! I’m Offended!
cool, now send a link to your source code so we can fork you
Do we have concrete proof of this happening now or in the near future? Does the video provide any? I need to know whether to sound the alarm now, or wait till there’s something concrete to show people. (You can probably understand my hesitation to share a scarily titled YT video as my only proof)
fr though, this is such a badass way to get banned. don’t even reply to them - just keep doing the thing, post, and watch as every pathetic attempt at intimidation gets hundreds of defiant upvotes here.