• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • So?

    I hate how every game want to compete for current playtime.

    I got way more than money’s worth out of this game, but I haven’t played in over a month. I hope that when I go back to it, there’s still a playerbase.

    But like, the developers planned for at best to get 10% of what they did…

    If they dropped that extra 90%, I don’t see why that should spell the end of the game. It’s the playerbase the game was designed for.

    There’s just this weird “first or worst” mentality with a lot of studios. I hope this game is just given the room to stretch it legs over a decade or so. Something people might not always keep installed on their console, but still download once or twice a year to get some games in.

    Games like that can be a success. Just because a lot of people burnt out doesn’t mean they’ll never play again.

    It’s just games like that don’t maximize investor returns. They want to churn out hits that people play exclusively for 3 months then drop, only to buy the new one next year.

  • The two main Haredi (Ultra-orthodox) parties are significant part of Netanyahu’s coalition, and they have always had a disproportionate power compared to the Haredi population because almost all Haredi voters vote for them.

    100% not trying to be a dick, because I appreciate the insight.

    But is there a typo in there?

    Or are you saying that the population will always just vote for the party because of shared religious beliefs…

    Even though the party acts against those beliefs?

    Like, I’m not trying to argue if that’s logical. I’m American, we have far right abrahmic extremists too that unironically support trump despite him pretty much doing the opposite of their religious guidance at every chance. No judgement on that, I’m not asking you to defend them.

    I’m just asking if I’m understanding you right about what’s going on. Because I don’t understand how the Ultra Orthodox party can have “disproportionate power” over their own voting base.

    Except in the context that they just vote for whoever their religious leaders tell them to without question or thought.

    But also, a lot of shit has gone down since 2016… Those numbers might not be up to date

  • It’s literally the people running his campaign…

    “I think he’s the only Democrat who can beat Donald Trump,” Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., a Biden campaign co-chair, said during an interview on ABC News’ “This Week.” “And let me tell you, we had the single best day of grassroots fundraising after the debate.”

    And that’s not even getting into how those are pro-Biden donations so much as “please for fucks sake someone stop trump” donations that literally any Dem candidate would be receiving.

    It’s what happens when you insist on running back to back campaigns on just not being the other guy…

    Like, cool bro, we know the other guy sucks, but why are you here?

    We could have someone we actually want instead, who is also not trump and have the same level of voter support.

    From a cold emtionaless perspective, there is just literally no advantage to Joe Biden being the nominee.

    And this election is more important than Joe Biden’s feelings. We shouldn’t just let him have this one, it’s not the last fucking cookie, it’s deciding who has the best shot of stopping a fascist takeover of the country.

  • Republicans will vote Republican no matter what.

    Dem voters have always needed a candidate they like and/or agree with to turnout en mass and get the Dem elected.

    It makes zero sense to keep blaming Dem voters for having standards instead of blaming party leaders for continuingly shoving candidates we don’t like down our throats.

    There is zero reason to keep pushing unpopular candidates.

    But because we all held our noses for Biden 4 years ago, he got to nominate DNC leadership and he picked idiots who say Biden is our only shot.

    Holding our noses and voting for a candidate whose not for basic parts of the party platform, just moves the party platform and makes it even harder to get votes the next election.