smol, femme, nerd

libera te tutemet ex machina, and shitpost~~

  • 14 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2023


  • For that reason I think the main problem here is that we are trying to centralize video sharing onto one platform. I instead propose we encourage people to make their own platforms. Like if you want to watch idk PewDiePie you go to and encourage people to explore the Internet instead of just sitting on one site.

    Basically old web but with aggregators, I don’t hate it. I think there needs to be a way to alleviate burden from content creators in a way. Tbh, maybe we need community server farms which are jointly supported, like community gardens in a way

  • What you’re saying is valid in a model where the server hosts content and provides it on demand, and that’s not what I was describing.

    Here’s the model I had in my head, but I am not sure if anyone has attempted this yet:

    1…user uploads a video which borrows resources from p2p network

    2…the shared burden is shifted around as nodes become active or inactive

    3…content is always available in asynchronous, on demand fashion

    I don’t work in distributed and networked systems, so I don’t expect the above model to strictly be based in reality, but it’s not that fanciful based on the wiki article I shared

    I guess it’s a fair point that users maybe don’t want to be responsible for the burden. In which case, I guess why complain about ads then 🤷‍♀️

  • Hmm not being optimistic, just going based on past experience. Look at where you’re posting right now, did anyone think the fediverse could be a possibility when we have twitter, fb or reddit? There’s nothing out of the norm about what I am saying anyways, people do stuff like this for sport or based on ideology. That’s why anyone should support a foss project they use or admire, or pay artists, writers, niche magazines etc

  • All of the above costs money. A lot of money. So much money that only a shitty mega corporation with no moral scruples would ever be able to afford to run the platform, let alone turn a profit. And so here we are.

    Or that’s what we’re led to believe. Someone could say the same for an OS, but we have many open source alternatives. We need an open source alternative to YouTube, and perhaps with some innovation that may be possible. You don’t need storage, for example, if content is just streamed in a p2p manner, even with a time delay so people can watch something whenever

    Edit: some context

    For the idiots downvoting explain why, or I’ll just believe you’re YouTube shills