Cruise arc next! I’m so excited!
Cruise arc next! I’m so excited!
Why did you bother writing 500 words in response to a website that exists to sell sex toys on Black Friday?
DIY EV kits are a thing, but a quick google shows some wildly varying prices. Probably depends on exactly what kind of car you are trying to refit and the performance you’re looking for.
Meme of guy looking at two buttons:
“Psychology is junk science!”
“This confirms my biases!”
There is a riddles sublemmy, just fyi!
Temperature is average kinetic energy. It is very easy to put kinetic energy into an object and much harder to take it out. Microwaves do it by shining a “light” tuned to microwave frequencies on objects. So you can imagine the problem is about as hard as shining a lamp on something and having it get colder. Laser-based cooling methods do exist but they’re quite expensive and mostly operate on the atomic scale. For now, the best way we know of to cool large items in bulk is to put them next to something that’s even colder—in short, a refrigerator.
Lol I knew that didn’t sound right but couldn’t figure out why. Thanks!
Do what you have to. At the end of the day nothing is coming with you to the other side.
That being said, CS is remarkably flexible to accommodating a naturist lifestyle. Try it out in bits and pieces before you settle on the wild life. It’s not one or the other, people can and do get both.
Listen to experts. Stay off of social media. Get used to visualizing the average commenter on anything as a middle schooler. Talk to your friends about important topics. Learn how to vet sources. Challenge your beliefs. Recognize what cognitive dissonance feels like to you and seek it out. Focus on things that matter to your life. Read all the way through articles.
At least for me, its a threshold problem. The internet means that staying at home is always going to be at least somewhat interesting, which makes it a lot harder to take a gamble on a random late night outing. It’s not just staying out late, either—Gen Z shows declines in a whole host of risky behaviors. Smoking, alcohol, drug use, teen pregnancy, are all way down in our generation. In some sense, we’ve found a drug that we prefer to actual drugs.
Age verification for pornography has something like a 70% approval rating. It’s not a religious extremism issue, it’s a “normies don’t want or care about their freedoms issue”.
For the record, this has more to do with Argentine financial mismanagement and China’s “expansive” fiscal policy than with the dedollarization that the headline is trying to imply.
Anya definitely has had some exposure to a medical/genetics environment early in life. There are very few 4-6 year olds that can use words like clone and chimera as fluently as she does. The same exposure probably explains her knowledge of Latin, which is the most common ancient language prep schools teach.