• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • I used to be an EMT (am going to be working as one again soon) and where I worked we had some good cops and some real shitty cops who had no business being cops, but one thing that they all had in common was that the rules were if someone asked for medical help, they had to call the ambulance. Didn’t matter if it looked like obvious bullshit, all the departments in the area I worked had a blanket policy that they weren’t medical professionals and they couldn’t make that decision. You could have a tiny little cut on your finger and ask for medical help and even the shittiest cops would sigh and call for EMS. These cops infuriate me. How many more people have to get murdered? If someone asks for help fucking help them and sort out the details later.

  • I have mullvad and also browse certain Reddit communities without an account. Some of the servers still get through. If you’re using US servers I know there are a few of the NY, Atlanta, and Virginia servers I’ve been able to get through on. I’ve also gotten through on some of the West Coast ones but I can’t remember which ones, I only remember the last 3 because they were the last ones I trial and error throughed while actually paying attention to which servers I was connecting to instead of picking at random.

  • Genuine question, I just tried this on my phone with both Firefox and Brave (my backup browser). Why does Firefox leak so much more data than Brave? Brave pretty much only showed which number version of Android I’m running and my time zone, Firefox showed all kinds of unique data including all the sensor readings from my phone, how many cameras it has, all the hardware components, and that fingerprint reading is allowed and I have all my settings as strict as they can be. I thought Firefox was supposed to be the way better option.

  • Thank you! This is all good advice. I’ve never actually used a VM but will have to do more research on installing and using one. When you (and everyone else here) say shrink the partition from inside windows, do you mean from within the disk management software? I’m familiar with that, having added extra drives on my other computers. I actually have 3 computers, 2 laptops and a gaming rig I built, but they both have Nvidia GPUs and I’ve heard so many bad things about Nvidia and Linux and I don’t want my first Linux experience to be fighting it out with those. If I like Linux I’ll probably switch one of my other computers over to Linux either entirely or on one of the second drives (both my other computers have 2 different drives).