Mine was in the Athens/Acropolis area.
Mine was in the Athens/Acropolis area.
That whole geography thing only works if we remain united. That’s no longer a given in my book.
I’ll be the American in the fourth panel of that We’re the Millers meme.
You guys have minimum standards?
No. They’re extinct.
This is an exciting discovery! 20 light years away is relatively close, but obviously still out of reach for quite a while.
Interstellar is a great choice if you do reconsider. The visual effects when they go through the wormhole are a stand out.
Tesla and Shitter can both fail and he’ll still be fine as long as they get Starship working reliably. Kessler Syndrome is probably the only move left that he’s afraid of.
Mom, the quantum resonator is out of phase again!
Just give it two grapes, dear.
SmartTubeNext has been working fairly well for me for like 5 years or something. It’s super easy to side load on a Fire stick.
The article says she’s married, but the husband works out of state.
I’ll continue not playing the game I’ve never played before. I’m doing my part!
A few bad actors can undo the work of thousands of hardworking people who care. I genuinely don’t know if the problem is solvable if it requires cooperation of the entire species. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Wow! I, for one, will plan to be both shocked and awed by the ‘hellscape’.
Maybe the code? It is ZEBES
Bro, I voted Nader in 2000. In Florida. I still love Nader but I sure learned that lesson.
New owner gets taxed based on what they pay for it, so they county will end up collecting more.
Some localities limit the increase in taxable value to a fixed percentage, which can combat that. The taxable value of my home is something like 25% of the actual value.
Every time I see the words Secretary of State Marco Rubio I almost do a spit take.