• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • Is this legal?

    Yes, it’s called “opposition research” (frequently abbreviated “oppo”) and the political parties do it constantly to one another. Because they’re doing it this much, and because they have a LOT less scruples than you do, they’ve probably already uncovered everything you would. But maybe not all.

    In addition, doing this publicly would put the target on alert, so they’d specifically run interference against whoever you hired. This wouldn’t make their job impossible, but definitely harder.

    And, finally, whatever new dirt you do manage to gather might not matter. The things Trump has done that the public already knows about should be enough to put him in prison for life, and yet he’s still in the current US presidential election instead of incarceration.

  • Folks, the docker runtime is open source, and not even the only one of its kind. They won’t charge for that. If they tried to make it closed source, everyone would just laugh and switch to one of several completely free alternatives. They charge for hosting images, build time on their build servers, and various “premium” developer tools you don’t need. In fact, you need none of this, you can do all of it yourself on whatever hardware you deem to be good enough. There are also many other hosted alternatives out there.

    Docker thinks they have a monopoly, for some reason. If you use the technology, you are probably already aware that they don’t.

  • Mostly it’s just CYA for google since cycling is more dangerous than driving (due to the people driving), so there’s more surface area for them to get sued.

    But yeah

    • turns and crossings that look safe on a map don’t have very much data on whether they’re actually safe, because google has a thousand times as much information about drivers than cyclists.
    • google sometimes suggests routes that can’t be traversed, legally or at all, by a bike. Same reason.
    • sometimes google suggests avoiding something a bike doesn’t actually have to worry about. This is actually the category of error I see the most: google sends you around something when you could simply walk your bike through it, or ride through it, because you’re not a car.

  • Linus is the leader of the kernel project. As a leader, it’s his job to get the maintainers to agree. It’s not Rust’s job to make the C devs stop bullying them.

    If Linus thinks Rust is a good direction, he should show it by actually standing up to Ted and developers like him and making them behave.

    If he doesn’t think it’s a good direction, he should say that too, so the remaining Rust devs can stop wasting time on the project.

    When someone in a niche part of the project steps down like this, that’s a problem with the top-level leadership. Linus’ record on leadership is… mixed. Trending in a good direction the last few years, but this makes me wonder. He can still save this, but he has to want to.

  • Bcachefs has all of this. And it’s supposed to be faster than ZFS and btrfs. In a few years it can really be the golden Linux filesystem recommended for everybody

    ngl, the number of mainline Linux filesystems I’ve heard this about. ext2, ext3, btrfs, reiserfs, …

    tbh I don’t even know why I should care. I understand all the features you mentioned and why they would be good, but i don’t have them today, and I’m fine. Any problem extant in the current filesystems is a problem I’ve already solved, or I wouldn’t be using Linux. Maybe someday, the filesystem will make new installations 10% better, but rn I don’t care.