And to those MPs, I have only one thing to say, “ok, boomer.”
I dont care about the age of the people who are criticized for wealth hoarding.
I see plenty of old people struggling, who are looking for deposit bottles to return or begging in the streets. I see plenty of old people counting their money contemplating which items to put back at the supermarket checkout.
I am angry about people who sit in their house they could buy cheaply or even subsidized and telling me that the youth of today would be lazy, while their post school education was three years in trade school and i have an university degree. I am angry because my income, which is in the top 5% of my country would only allow me to buy a decent house or apartment if my wife and i life frugally, have no kids and pay it off until we retire.
I am angry because rents have went up so much, that it is cheaper for old people to stay in their 4 room flat they can hardly keep clean, because downsizing on a new contract would be more expensive for them, while young families are struggling to find a flat.
[The report] also said discussion of intergenerational fairness tended to “pit younger and older generations against each other in a perceived fight for limited resources”.
Good take. Remember, the real divide is class not generation.
There is a very small faction of billionaires siphoning wealth away from the world, truly hoarding it such that it is unused and unproductive. The role of the political class is to facilitate this and distract the general population away from it by setting naturally allied groups against each other. Divide and conquer is as old as humankind and we still fall for it every time.
Maybe, but it is also a social values problem. People have been raised to believe they are entitled to the wealth they’ve accrued, their society be damned. They got one or several houses? They can rent and are entitled to passive income with very little overhead while the rest of society increasingly finds it harder to make ends meet because they don’t even own their property. Have a lot of wealth? Just live off of the interest while inflation and lack of ways to make money for those belonging to the part of the economy not optimized to make as much money as possible get poorer.
Being rich after a certain threshold needs to be taxed. Hiding your wealth in investments and feeding a market only focused on maximizing profit needs to be regulated. How much property someone can own needs to be limited. MAGA is only possible because of the effort they spend to crowdsource the values of greed and narcissism onto their followers.
We need a system with “regression to the mean” built in.
Savvy investing, business and hard work should get you ahead. The key is that it should be taxed enough and in a way that, unless your children are also exceptional, the generational wealth will tend back towards the average. The same applies from the bottom. Someone from a poor background should be able to pull themselves back up, if their work ethic etc is appropriate.
Right now we have run away in both directions. Wealth begets more wealth, and poverty begets more poverty.
I just want to point out that billionaires do not have billions on their bank accounts, they own companies worth that much. The issue is the concentration of power they have through that.
So it is ageist to criticize boomers but not ageist to criticize gen z and younger? Sounds pretty ageist to me.
And we are supposed to feel sorry some boomers, and older, never bothered to learn how to use a computer or smart phone properly? Fuck off you disingenuous pieces of shit.
Middle-class boomers and above. Us poors have never owned jack shit in any era or generation.
Y’know the interesting thing is, I’ve never had a poor old person talk condescendingly to me about economic prospects. The elderly widow taking public transit, counting their coupons, and desperately trying to stretch their dead husband’s pension check has never lectured me about pulling myself up by my boot-straps. Similarly, I’ve never called any of these people a Boomer pejoratively. To me, the stereotype of a Boomer has very little to do with age, and everything to do with socioeconomic status, and I absolutely will keep insulting the Boomer fucks that pulled the ladder up behind them.
I mean the hippie guy living in a earthen starship is not the issue its the ceos, board of directors, and well yeah wealthy politicians.
My gut reaction to this article was probably the same as a lot of people here “this is just baby boomers complaining about younger people again” and it kinda is, but it’s mostly a targeted parliamentary review into the effects of ageism on the older generation, and I would expect the government to do a similar review on the younger generation, if they haven’t already.
I do believe that pinning negative stereotypes on whole generations is wrong. It was wrong when the boomers did it to the millenials, it is wrong when millenials do it to gen z, and it’s wrong to go the other way.
Where does all the power and wealth concentrate? Amongst the boomers and older Gen x. Are they all wealthy and powerful? Fuck no! We’re all being exploited by the top 0.1% of the population, let’s not forget that.
aka people who couldn’t stop whining about young people if their life depended on it accusing young people of being “ageist”
“We are not hoarding anything,” they say from the comfort of the antique sofa inside the house which they wholly own.
Expecting them to invest it back into their communities is expecting trickle down economics to work.
Right. Tax them.
You think hoarding it is better? Really?
Expecting them to invest it back into their communities is expecting trickle down economics to work.
You think hoarding it is better? Really?
Stfu boomer