Young Adults, How Frequent Do You See Your Friends?

Juggling between Work, Family, Rest, and Traffic, seeing my friends once every two months is already good.

I’m just curious if there are others who actually see their friends at least once a week. How do you do it?

    1 year ago

    Does mid 30s count as young?

    All my friends slowly dropped out of my life one-by-one in my 20s. Last time I saw a friend was 2015. It’s just my girlfriend and me now.

      1 year ago

      36, it’s me my girlfriend and my cats. I have one friend from highschool I see two or three times a year. Just so busy with work and everything else there’s really not much time, and I do physical labor so by the weekend I just wanna hang at home and relax

    1 year ago

    27, I am usually playing games online with my friends and family every night. We will usually meet in person 1-2 times a week to watch movies or play board games.

    How I do it? Obviously some weeks are more busy than others, but I will set aside a couple hours to atleast organize and get lunch with my friends.

    1 year ago

    Not exactly young adult but I’m 35 and see friends almost weekly. If not in person I at least chat/voice chat with some of them.

    I don’t have kids, currently dating someone with 2 boys though. I don’t take any overtime at work but I have online classes at night so I plan on dropping my hours by half. Also, I don’t bring any work home with me. I separate the 2, religiously. (I am unionized, makes it easier to do so)

    I live in a small city, far from any metropolitan area, people are so much more friendlier here.

    IMO, it’s all about hobbies. My hobbies align with most of my friends and I have more than one circle of friends.

    I moved over 20 times in my life, different cities and all. So I know how to make new friends, I honestly think it’s a skill. At the same time, friendship goes both ways, if you’re the only one putting the work on the friendship, it’s not really gonna work.

    I have friends working on their PhDs and even post-PhDs (or whatever it’s called) and they usually have time to see me / friends 3 or 4 times a month.

    So yeah, I have a fulfilling social life, it’s not like that all year round mind you, things change and people need breaks and what not sometimes.

    1 year ago

    26 here and none of my friends live in the same city as me. My best mate and his partner are about a 2 hour drive from us. We play games online a lot though, but we don’t see each other in person very often anymore, maybe every few months.

    My partner has a lot of friends in town so we go out with them every now and then; maybe monthly.

    I also have a dnd group with my college friends and we play online about every week but they all live across the country so I only see them in person maybe once a year.