• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023


  • If you’re looking to rent a matrix server, I highly recommend etke. Faily cheep for what they offer and great support. As far as your concerns for noise suppression, the best workaround atm is to use Nvidia RTX Voice and AMD’s Noise Suppression features. At least until Element either builds in their AI noise suppression, or adds PTT.

  • As it currently stands, they can’t let the user decide under the DMA. To do that they’d need to build an entirely new PWA API and put time into making sure browser engines other than WebKit can’t escape their sandbox. After they do that, then they can let the user decide since all web browsers would then be equal. But as the poster above you said, PWA install rates are very low outside of the small tech enthusiast circle so I don’t blame Apple for axing this feature under the time crunch. I do hope they re-visit this issue and enable PWAs for all engines though because I love the idea of PWAs.