So…this one is a bit left-of-field.
A friend of mine (Gardiner Bryant of YouTube - who reports on Linux and the Steam Deck) has started a Revolt server.
What is Revolt?
It’s kinda like a FOSS alternative to Discord. You’ll see the layout is almost a direct copy, and it’s far less polished…but then again you haven’t got the downsides of Discord’s constant upselling either:
Why is this relevant?
…I can hear you ask? Well, so far its just a few developers and creators in there, but I thought of all spaces…maybe those very devs and creators whose work you use and watch…well it might be nice to join in there?
My personal friends who are in here so far are:
imLinguin whose GitHub is here - but you may know most as a developer of Heroic Games Launcher
Eben Bruyns whose GitHub is here - but you may know best as the dev of Junk-Store
Gardiner himself, of course whose YouTube link is here,
What is the damn link to the damn server, woman?
I mean, you will have to make an account on Revolt, but it might be interesting to some here. You’re all very welcome!
See, this is why I’m disappointed with revolt. Because it’s such an amazing interface and replaces discord 1:1, but I can’t recommend it because they don’t have federation. So I have to make an account for every server, which is a non starter for me and most of my friends.
Yes thats so dumb to make an account on every server.
Yeah, sadly I agree.
I jumped on there six weeks or so ago (before I re-joined here on Lemmy) and was taken by the lovely UI, and it does…work. But there’s some gaps like this. Still, it can be better than the alternative, which is always something to encourage.
But, I totally agree.
Sounds like the perfect use case for an email alias service like, though, if Revolt is something somebody wants.
I agree that federation would be better, though.