I’m Romanian and I recently came across the definition of bangmaid which fits me perfectly, so that’s how my username came to be.
Four is a four letter word
in fact it is the only number in English that has as many letters as its value
Oh yeah? Prove it. Name every number.
I know you didn’t mean this seriously, but it’s easy to see:
- zero has 4 letters
- one has 3 letters
- two has 3 letters
- three has 5 letters
- four has 4 letters
- five has 4 letters
- six has 3 letters
- seven has 5 letters
- eight has 5 letters
- nine has 4 letters
- ten has 3 letters
- eleven has 6 letters
- twelve has 6 letters
- after this, there are no possible candidates anymore: the next numbers are all just 3-9 (with slight spelling variations) followed by 4-letter “teen”, giving us at most 9 letters, too few to have equal value to the numbers they name
- after that there is no possible way to get to the high values of the numbers they name by combining words like “twenty” or “thirty” or “hundred” or “thousand” or “million” with the previous ones
Negative fifteen only works for absolute value, but it’s fun to point out
Negative fifteen = -15 …does it not?
Edit: leaving my mistake, Negative fifteen is 15 characters, not -15
How do we know there isn’t a number that was named by a mathematician like googol or Graham’s number, where unlike defining it as a 1 with a hundred zeros after it, it’s instead defined by it’s spelling?
Here’s one: the number seven thousand three hundred and seven is otherwise known as Da…ve’s number, which is spelt with a D and then seven thousand three hundred and three A’s, followed by ve’s. It’s a made up name for a number but so is googol so I think it should be a valid candidate.
That’s more about how we spell things than the number they represent
What about Keleven?
Zero only has zero letters
No, but 0 does.
What about roman numeral i?
-9 (minus nine) and a couple of other negative numbers kind of do it too, at a push. There was a thread about this a while ago…
“minus nine” definitely has 9 letters, not -9.
That’s where the “kind of” bit of the sentence kicks in…
I thought we were just shit posters having a laugh - sorry I don’t measure up to the required academic level to comment.
That’s the most amazing number I’ve ever encountered… thank you.
Forewarned is four-armed.
I am strange
I’m inclined to agree
Taming that Wookie strange.
I’m a squirrel.
Mine was inspired from a very complex proc… OH LOOK ! A SQUIRREL !
You better filesystem check yourself before you filesystem wreck yourself
I like Corgis and I like puns.
There’s a game for the NES called Dynowarz and the main character’s name is Professor Proteus. The game is… not great. I loved it as a kid even though I was terrible at it. The music rules though, and I’ll die on that hill.
I’ve never seen a single other person talk about this game since I played it back in the early 90s so I wanted to give it some love 😊
~ lol ~
“Help, I’m drowning!”
Hot Saucerman
Trick Shotterman
Heynong Man
In neopets [aside: yes, neopets still exists, go recover your account and feed your dang pets; end of aside] there is a random event that can happen as you play where members of the Kiko Lake team are “fundraising” to go to the Altador Cup. The way they fundraise is by stealing an item from your inventory.
This is permanent and irreversible, and has even happened to items for which players have paid actual real-life dollars (about which support’s response can be summed up as “lol sorry”). Of all of the negative REs on the site, Kiko Lake is by far the worst, and so #drainkikolake has become a bit of a player rallying-cry.